Chapter Nine

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I woke up feeling groggy, like a zombie. I had to literally slap myself to ensure I was fully awake.

I jumped out of bed and checked the time, it was 11:43 AM.

"Adda Ummi let me sleep," I muttered surprised.

Yawning, I got out of bed and proceeded to take a bath. As with every other day, I sat on the floor, deep in thought, deciding what to wear. (And yes, when I make my bed, I don't let anyone sit on it – weird, I know.)

A friend once told me that girls can have a house full of clothes and still be wondering what to wear, and it's so true. Eventually, I decided on a pair of palazzo pants, matched with a camouflage crop top and a black beanie cap. I headed downstairs, clutching my phone.

I found Mommy in the kitchen frying yam balls. "Mamana!" I greeted with a hug.

"Good morning, mommy. Why didn't you wake me up, and where's Adda and Laura?" I inquired.

"Morning, Afrah. Do you know how many times I sent Hari to wake you up? Laura is having a day off today, Maman ta ba ta da Lafiya and Ummi went to get Hajiya Mairo from the airport," she explained.

I was shocked by this news, Hajiya Mairo was the famous dilka woman from Sudan, known for her traditional body polish. I loved her presence because it always brought the scents of tularen wuta, dilka, and humra.

"Mommy go and rest , I'll finish this"

I took over the kitchen, finishing the yam balls and eggs, then putting together yogurt with strawberry toppings, I settled down in front of the TV, enjoying episodes of The Simpsons and Black-Ish, totally absorbed in my shows.

I was so engrossed that I didn't hear the car horn or notice Adda with boxes coming into the house, with Hajiya Mairo trailing behind her.

"Assalamu alaikum..." Adda greeted.

I stood up excitedly. "Hajiya Mairo " I shouted, hugging her, savoring her sweet humra scent.

"My baby girl," she said with a smile as she hugged me back. "You've grown so much. It's been five years since I last saw you. It seems I'll be coming back next year," she added, pinching my cheeks.

Ummi came downstairs, and they began their conversation, catching up on old times. While they talked, I helped Ummi with Hajiya Mario's bags.

After I had prayed zuhr, I made my way downstairs, where the sweet smell of incense filled the air. Hajiya was already at work. I went to the guest bedroom and found her pouring humra and rosewater on Adda Ummi.

I left them and decided to cook something special for everyone. I put in my ear-pods and played some music by The Carters.

I decided to make macaroni casserole and boiled potatoes with mint ganache. I danced around the kitchen while at it , cutting the potatoes into diced shapes. I whipped up some salad dressing with garlic and salad cream, and the whole house filled with the delightful aroma of the meal.

After I had completed the preparations, I made a refreshing watermelon, lemon, and ginger juice, set the table, and called everyone to join for the meal. Adda came out first, wearing a pout, with Mommy and Hajiya Mairo following behind.

"This aroma reminds me of those fancy restaurants in Dubai," Hajiya Mairo commented while patting my head. She took her first bite and seemed pleasantly surprised.

"So my baby can cook , I think we should open up a restaurant for you my dear, ko kuwa Hajiya? , this tastes delicious." she remarked.

"She cooks very well kam, but she hates cooking" Mommy added.

Adda ummi muttered something about showing off, to which I just grinned.

After the meal, I took care of the dishes, then grabbed my phone and the novel I was reading, "If I Stay" and headed to the garden with a bowl of ice cream and some fudge, planning to continue reading.

I was nearly finished with the book when my phone rang. It was Zara, and I realized that I had forgotten about my best friends , I picked up the call, prepared for her scolding.

"Afrah , You're not nice , truth be told, What kind of friend are you?" she exclaimed.

"Baby girl, I'm so sorry. You know how it is with Adda's wedding around the corner. I was even thinking of coming today to bring Mami's card and your asoebi."

"I'll be home waiting for you, you brought me asoebi? Thank you. I love you. I just missed you and decided to call you to check up on you, loser,"
she said affectionately before hanging up.

Another call came in right after, Munira , they planned this.

"Hello. Are you okay and alive , Yes? Goodbye," she said, and the call ended without waiting for me to say a single word.

I was grateful for the friendships with these girls, and I couldn't imagine my life without them. I packed up my book and phone and headed back into the house. I checked Mommy's room to inform her that I was going out and she wasn't around, in fact the whole house was empty.

I called her, she informed me that she had gone out with Adda and Hajiya. I sighed.

I grabbed my crinkled veil , black Chanel bag, car keys and headed out, I bumped into Hari who had just returned from school.

"Where are you going, Adda?" she asked.

"I'm heading out to deliver Zara and Muntaz's asoebi and cards. Why?" I inquired.

"Please, can I tag along?"

Zain, who had entered the living room with his mouth full, decided to comment. "You just came back, dork. You stink," he teased.

"Don't worry, Hari, you don't stink " I reassured her, defending her against Zain's teasing.
"And Yes sure. Go get ready, and don't waste time, please. "

🌻 ~ Quote if the day ~ The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

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