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I awoke around noontime, due to loud voices right outside my bedroom door.
"Ry!" The voice was Aragorn's and he knocked on my door again. "Are you coming?"
I sat up and started to quickly get ready. "Coming?" I asked. "Coming where?" I heard him sigh. "We are talking to Théoden." He told me. "We might not have a day before Sarumon's army comes for us."

What a nice way to start my day. "Yes, I will be out in a minute." I told him.

I pulled my clothes on and pulled my hair back in a single fishtail. I than clipped my bangs back so they didn't fall in my face. My boots were across the room by my weapons and I quickly pulled those on too.

Grabbing my weapons, I opened my door and walked towards were I heard Aragorn walk off to.

He, Legolas and Gimli were by his room, waiting for me. As soon as I appeared, they started walking towards Théoden's chambers.
"What time of day is it?" I asked Aragorn. "It's before noontime." He said, unsure of the exact time. "We might not want to be rash with him." I told him. Legolas nodded. "The only way we will get him to listen is if we don't force our opinions on him."

Once the king's doors were in sight, Aragorn walked right up and strode in. Without even knocking. I sighed.

Aragorn started conversing to Théoden right away, talking about the opposing army.

"How many?" Théoden was walking back and forth in front of us, surprisingly listening to Aragorn. "Ten thousand, at least." Thankfully, I was good at hiding my surprise. Théoden, not so much.

He turned to us, his face full of fear and surprise. "Ten thousand?!" He repeated, horrified. Aragorn nodded. "It is an army bred for one single purpose. To destroy the race of men." He explained to the king. "They will be here before the day is over."

Théoden looked lost in thought for a while. "I want every strong lad and man able to bear arms, ready to fight before nightfall." He said. "Let them come!"

A guard hurried off in a direction, probably to tell the families that there sons and husbands were forced to fight a battle that was almost hopeless.

Théoden started walking around Helms Deep pointing to where we would position our men. "We will cover the gate and the walkways from above. No army has ever breached the wall or set foot inside the Hornburg."

I frowned. I was about to say something, but Gimli did first. "This is no rabble of mindless orcs!" he exclaimed. "This is the Urak-Hai! Their armor is thick, their shields broad!" Théoden turned to him.

"I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf! I know how to defend my own keep!" I wasn't at all convinced, but I didn't argue, knowing he knew more than I did.

We kept walking with him, listening to his plans and strategies for the up-coming battle. "They will break upon this fortress like water upon a rock. Sarumon's men will pillage and destroy, we have seen it before. But crops can be resown, homes rebuilt. But if we are within these walls, we can outlast them!"

I wanted to think he was right. It seemed so simple, but I knew that this would never work.

"They did not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages!" I said loudly. "They came to destroy it's people! Down to the last child!" Théoden turned to me, looking like he wanted to punch me. He grabbed my shoulder roughly.

"What would you have me do?" He said. "Look at our men! Their courage hangs by a thread! If this is to be their end, than I will make it and end worthy of remembering!"

I sighed. "Boys cannot fight! They have very little training, if they even have any at all! Sarumon has at least ten thousand highly trained Urak-Hai, and your commanding young boys and men to fight!" I knew I was way out of my place, but the king had to know this. And if he did, he was not acting on it.

Two Bows (A Legolas/OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now