Fighting for Helms Deep

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I stood next to Legolas and Gimli on a wall that overlooked miles and miles of grasslands. Sarumon's army would be marching this way and would be arriving very shortly.

I heard a rumble of thunder overhead and cursed under my breath in Elvish. Of course it would be raining, which would make this whole battle even harder to fight.

Gimli grumbled as he tried to jump up to see over the wall. I smiled and tried not to laugh at his futile attempts. "You might not want to see this Gimli." I told the Dwarf. He didn't pay attention and kept trying to see.

Looking back in front of me, I felt a surge of adrenaline rush through my veins as I saw the first lines of the Urak-Hai appear on the horizon. They were marching quite quickly and soon, thousands of them were in sight.

They had thick armor, but I easily found some weak spots. They also had huge, pointy spears that looked very dangerous, but also hard to move.

"Would you like me to describe it for you, or would you like me to get you a box?" I heard Legolas ask Gimli, who was still jumping in the air. At this point, I laughed out loud.
Gimli, however, was not amused. He muttered profanities at "tall Elves" under his breath.

I looked around me. Halidir's Elves were on both sides of me, as well as the other archers. There were men in armor below us and on the very ends of the wall we were on. The other Elves looked relaxed and determined. I tried to calm myself too.

Soon enough, the Urak-Hai had stopped right below us and their leader gave a huge roar. I flinched slightly, not wanting to act scared.

"Show no mercy!" Aragorn shouted at the archers. "For you will receive none!" I took a deep breath. I was ready any moment now.
We drew our bows, Gimli his axe, and took aim. The Urak-Hai below us banged their weapons together, making an awful noise that I was sure could be heard in the caves.

All of a sudden, a single arrow flew from the wall and hit a Urak-Hai in the neck, causing it to fall over, dead.

The noise stopped as our enemy watched it happen. I looked to my left and saw an old man with grey hair looking surprised. I sighed, worried.

"Hold!" Aragorn yelled at us again. I turned my attention back to the battlefield. The Urak-Hai had started growling and roaring again, not a comforting sound. I heard Aragorn draw his sword and waited for his command.

"Fire!" I shot my arrow milliseconds after he told us to. It hit a Urak-Hai and killed it instantly, causing me to smile. Call me morbid.

I didn't hesitate to fire more and more arrows, killing everything I saw. The Urak began running right up to the wall and they lent ladders up against it. I gulped.

Than, putting my bow away and pulling out my swords, I ran along the wall to the nearest ladder, and pushed it away. A few Urak were on that ladder, and they fell to the ground.

But more were coming, too many. I clenched my teeth at a Urak-Hai running right towards me. With a yell, I swung one of my swords and decapitated it with one blow.

Spinning, I stabbed another in the gut and slit his throat. From behind me, I heard Legolas and Gimli shouting out numbers to each other. Legolas's numbers were much higher than Gimli's, so I assumed that they were having some sort of contest.

Legolas, I have five already!" The Dwarf shouted. "I'm on seventeen!" Was the reply. I smiled. "Eighteen!" I shouted at both of them, joining in.
Gimli growled at me and Legolas just raised his eyebrows in surprise. I raised mine back at him.

Turning away, I worked my arms, killing more and more of our enemy. I also saw Elves and Men falling off the wall, with arrows stuck in their chests and heads. It wasn't pleasant, but it was a good thing I was used to this kind of stuff.

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