Night of the funeral

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Nate Henderson met a few Army buddies in a bustling bar in Las Vegas after his father's funeral.

They were laughing, joking and talking about the last eight years of the Army. 

Even though deep down, Nate missed it, but he had been left a company worth Billions.

Nate and his father had a strained relationship and were never able to agree on things after his mother passed away from cancer. With no siblings, and at the tender age of ten, Nate navigated the world as an only child. 

Once his mother's funeral had come to an end, Nate's father wasted no time in sending him away to boarding school in England. A decision that would prove instrumental in kindling Nate's unwavering enthusiasm for the Army, as he was exposed to the military backgrounds of his fellow students.

He had a fondness for seeking challenges and was always motivated to push himself to the very edge of his abilities. 

With his impressive accomplishment of owning a Billion Dollar Empire at just twenty-four years old, Nate is going to be featured on the front pages of every newspaper and magazine. He didn't want the attention because he already got enough because of his perfect looks, his muscular body and his short dark hair; he stood six foot four tall and had a sexy smile that could melt any girl's heart. 

Nate, from an early age, learned the necessity of toughening up, leading him to construct emotional barriers and adopt a direct manner when dealing with women. Despite holding a genuine respect for them, his time in the Army exposed him to the harsh reality that this respect was not always mutual. This revelation occurred through his experiences with girlfriends who were involved with other boyfriends, causing his heart to grow colder as a result.


Nate is still standing at the bar, laughing so much with his buddies; he steps back and knocks into a woman; he apologises, as her head is bent, looking at her top, wiping the drink off that he made her waste, she says,  "Fucking asshole". As she stands upright, her eyes meet his gaze, despite her petite frame of only five foot six. Her long, dark brown locks and her desirable curves make her the epitome of what men dream of. He Is completely fixated on her beauty and her body.

 "I'm sorry, I'll get you another drink?" She looks at him and thinks fuck he's sexy; she says bluntly in an English accent, "No thank you, I was taught never to talk to strangers and not accept a fucking drink." 

While he gazes at her, he contemplates her feistiness.

"You're British?" 

 "Yes, well, I must go."

She goes to walk off, and he says, "I'm Nate." He extends his hand for a handshake, and she looks him up and down. "I know who you are, but not interested, and I must be joining my friends". 

 "You know my name; do you have a name?" He asks. 

"Yes, thank you, but I'm not fucking interested". She replied bluntly... Nate thinks she is perfect; she knows who I am and doesn't want to know me, fuck, she's sexy, and my cock is itching to fuck her sweet pussy. 

She looked at him and smiled, then walked off; he watched to see where she was going; she was with many girls, and one was wearing a bride-to-be sash. 

No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't stop thinking about her, and eventually, he lost track of her and continued hanging out with his friends.

The evening seemed to pass by rather swiftly. Nate was on his way back to his penthouse, which his father owned; he owned a few hotels and office buildings worldwide. Nate's father would buy up businesses at their lowest and then build them back up to sell them at a very high profit, which made him billions... Now Nate had to take over. He was a swift learner and knew how to keep Empire company going.

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