What happened

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Jayla was ready to meet Nate, she put an off the shoulder tight black dress on and her killer heels. 

 "Wow, mum you look beautiful, if Mr Henderson doesn't think you're beautiful, there's something wrong with him". 

 "Nat, I do wish you would call him, Nate, it's not all his fault, I kept you away from him". 

 "Mum you had good reason too". 

 There was a knock at the door, Natalie answered, 

"Mum, it's Mr Henderson and a hot bodyguard to watch me.... I might watch you?". 

 "Nat, don't embarrass the poor bloke, come in Nate, please excuse my daughter, she gets some traits from her father, especially the stubbornness and thinks she's always right". 

 Nate smiled, 

"She reminds me of you, when we first met".

 "She does martial arts, and she likes shooting, well should we go. Nat please don't give the bodyguard grief?".

 Nate looks at Jayla, 

"You look beautiful, and sexy". 

 Jayla smiled at him and picked her clutch bag up, she gave Natalie a kiss on the cheek, 

"I got my mobile, so ring if you need me".

 Nate and Jayla walked out of the door and to the elevator.

They reached the lobby and walked into the restaurant, 

"Mr Henderson, dinner for two?". 

 "Yes, in a quiet area please". 

 Jayla looked at Nate and followed the girl to the table, 

"Any drinks, Sir". 

 Nate pulls out a chair for Jayla, but she pulls a chair out and sits, Nate looked at her with a confused look, he sits and asks for a bottle of champagne, Jayla asks for whiskey neat.

 "Do you own this hotel too?". 

 "Yes, I do, I bought this one five years ago". 

 "So, your business is doing well?". 

 "Yes, very well, the company as bought six hotels in the last fourteen years". 

 The woman places Jayla's drink on the table and stands a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket, for Nate,

 "I'll call you when we're ready to order". 

 Jayla downs her drink and puts the glass on the table.

"Jayla, why did you leave?". 

 "Nate, you didn't give me an answer". 

 "I'm sorry, I should have". 

 "So, what happened?". 

 "When we got back to base, after the mission we did, I had a call from my VP. Asking when I would be back because he needed to see me. I wanted to see you to tell you what was happening, but you had already seen the Colonel and turned the job down, and when I went looking for you, you had left the base...... I was devastated that I missed you. So, I get to the office and find Saydee laid on my sofa, in her bra and panties...... I asked her to get dressed, and she said, we could be good together, she stands up, and I threw her clothes at her and said, Saydee my wife was Right about you, she looks at me and says, your wife is a bitch. I called security to come and remove her...... And I told her, you would never be like Jayla, and if you think I would leave my wife whose sexy and as a hot fucking body, you are mistaken, now get out and if you try to come back, I will have you arrested".

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