Years Pass So Quickly

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Jayla was back in Texas with her team, the mission was a success...... She was told to see the Colonel...... She went to the Colonel office, and it was about her transfer, they offered her a position on Nate's team, but she turned it down and was able to leave to go back to England. 

She left as soon as she could. 

She had only been back a few hours and she was packed to leave, she didn't want to see Nate. She got all her stuff together and she left for the airport. 

She was waiting to board her plane and was thinking about, the mission and Nate and how they had sex, the once, but he still wouldn't give her an answer about Saydee.

Jayla's plane landed in England, and she went to the base, to see if she could have leave, she was ready to leave the Army and look after her business. 

 She was twenty-six and ready to enjoy her life, but she had to divorce Nate first, she didn't want anything to do with him. 

 Jayla filled out paperwork to leave the Army and had to wait for a couple of weeks to get confirmation. 

She was honourably discharged from the Army and went back to her country Manor.

A month had past and Jayla hadn't been feeling well, she thought it was the stress of Nate, contacting her and asking why she left the Army, she asked him again about the choice she gave him, and all he could say to Jayla was that he loved her, but that wasn't good enough. 

 She went to see the doctor and she was told she was pregnant, she was so happy, she knew she was ready, but she was sad that Nate wouldn't be a part of it, and she knew exactly when she got caught, doing the mission, they only had fucked the once. 

Jayla kept the pregnancy to herself apart from the staff, she wanted to tell Aston, but he married and was very happy. 

She wanted to tell Nate, but she couldn't, Nate had made his mind up.

Jayla was running a business that was booming, and she did it herself, but the months flew by and before she knew it, she was at the hospital giving birth, she had a healthy baby girl six pound ten, and she called her, Natalie Jayla Henderson, she gave the baby Nate's name, because she knew one day, she would have to tell him. 

Jayla finally went home to the Manor the following day and settled in, all the staff was waiting to greet Jayla and the little one. 

They helped Jayla, but she wanted to be there for her daughter, she had sleepless nights and the time seem to fly by, and before she knew it, he daughter was four years old, and that's when the Army contacted Jayla to do a special mission, she was the most qualified for the job and they promoted her to Captain, she was away for three months at first and then home for a month, and then gone for six months, until she was away for nine months and then a year.

Jayla was promoted to Colonel, just before her fortieth birthday and she had six months leave. 

She had become very good friends with her daughter, and now her daughter was fourteen they had planned to go away for Jayla's birthday. 

Natalie had planned a surprise getaway for her mum and herself, Jayla told Natalie all about her father and why she wasn't with him, and her daughter understood her reasons for doing what she did.

Jayla and Natalie were on a flight to Las Vegas. 

Jayla knew that Las Vegas was a big town and was looking forward to spending time with her beautiful daughter.

 Natalie had long black hair and she looked like Jayla but had her father's stern attitude and some of his features, she was the same height as Jayla and was growing into a beautiful young lady. 

Billionaires New WifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora