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The next morning I woke to a pizza box fully open on our couch, with me sprawled across Ella in a fashion i cant even describe, and a slice of cheese pizza still in my hand.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, and lifted myself off of Ella's limp, sleeping body. I rolled off the couch so I was sitting on the floor, and I rubbed my eyes. When I took my hands away, they were stained black from the mascara I forgot I applied last night.

"Damnit," I mumble, and get up to wash my face off. As I am patting my face dry, I receive a text. I check to see who it was and my knees almost give out.

Lewis the Asshat - hey

I feel my eyes widen. I hadn't talked to that ass since he cheated on me. I swallow and purse my lips, and hesitantly send a reply.

Me - what do u want

I drop my phone back on the counter and leave the bathroom, ignoring the vibration on the counter. I go into our living area and start cleaning up the random slices of pizza and the empty box. I put it all in a garbage bag then walk outside to where the trash bins were. I dumped them in and wiped my hands on my sweatpants. When I come back up into the apartment, Ella is awake and on her phone, per usual.

"Morning," she says, not taking her eyes off her phone.

"Morning," I say back, and go to my room to change into general clothes for the day. I put on leggings, an oversized tee that I tie at the bottom, and my black vans, per usual.

"What do you have to do today?" She asks in a monotone voice.

"Grocery, then Target because I want to get stuff for my room. I am still using the friggin' quilt from when I was 16," I say, looking in our fridge for things we may need at the grocery.

"Okay, can you buy some coconut chips while you are at the grocery?" She asks, and I sigh and nod.

"Sure," I verbally respond, and then she pipes back up.

"Also I want to shower, so on your way to Target can you pick me up so I can Vlog? I am going to need a video for next week," she explains, and I roll the idea around my head.

"Sure, why not," I say, as I finish writing my list down.

"Thanksssss," she says, and as I am about to leave I remember my damn phone on the counter. I grab it and check it subconsciously, and there are four messages from Lewis.

Lewis - Jo, i'm really sorry. I know I'm a dick.

Lewis - please respond

Lewis - Josie, I'm sorry

Lewis - please jo

Me - 6 months late.

I lock my phone and fight the urge to cry as I get in my car and drive to the grocery. When I get there, it is practically empty, and I grab what I need as well as a bag of  kettle corn for me to snack on while I'm at Target. Before I leave, I text Ella to be ready by the apartment, and she is.

"Hey girl, you okay? Your eyes are all puffy," she asks as she gets in the car.

"Lewis texted me," I say, and drive in the direction of Target.

"Hand me your phone," she says, holding her hand out.

"It's fine, I'll take care of it," I say, wiping under my eyes as we pull into the Target lot. I grab a cart as Ella starts her intro, leaving me out of it, thankfully.

"And look who we run into here!" She says suddenly. I look up and see Sam and Colby walking towards us, making funny faces at the camera. Behind them is a girl, who is laughing at their antics.

"Hello, Ella, hey Josie," Sam says. I smile and focus back on finding a duvet. I select one, white with gold trim, and throw it in the cart.

"Hey! Who's this?" I hear Ella say as I pick out new pillowcases that matched the duvet.

"I'm Katrina, Sam's girlfriend," she says.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Ella, and that's my friend Josie," she says, and I look over and smile again.

"Nice to meet you guys. What brings you guys to Target?" She asks, and I push the cart away from the group. As I turn the corner, I hear footsteps behind me, and then someone is next to me pushing the cart with me.

"Hi best friend," I recognize Colby's voice say as my phone vibrates.

Lewis - i know, and I'm sorry

"Who's that?" Colby asks, and I feel angry tears begin to form in my eyes.

"My dickhead of an ex," I say, pushing the cart forward and turning sharp in the direction of miscellaneous decorations.

"What?" Colby says, as my phone vibrates again.

Lewis - please say something

Angrily, I hit call and hold the phone to my ear.

"Josie thank god, I —" I cut him off, letting my anger spew out at him.

"Stop contacting me you turd, you cheated on me, how do you expect me to forgive you? Seriously, and six months later! I was over you a month and a half ago! Stop trying to text me, stop trying to get back with me, stop trying to apologize because I am not going to forgive a dick like you anytime soon. Good bye," I say, and hang up. In the process I block him then pocket my phone.

"He cheated on you?" Colby whispers, and I look over, forgetting he was there in the first place.

"Yeah. Sorry you had to hear that," I say, finding some sheer white curtains and putting them in the cart.

"I'm sorry," he says, and I turn to him.

"Why? You have nothing to be sorry for," I say, and push the cart towards the decorative pillows section.

"I know," he says, and I find a shimmery gold accent pillow. I throw it in the cart then text Ella that I was done. I start walking towards the check out, with Colby walking next to me, keeping me company. I pay for my items as Ella comes around with Sam and Katrina, laughing about something.

"Does she know?" Colby whispers.

"Yeah," I say, and carry my bags out to my car.

"You need to be cheered up. Let Ella drive the car home, I want you to come with me to the house and meet some more people, especially Devyn. She will know what to do," he says, and I give him a look.

"What?" I question, but he just grabs my wrist and pulls me to his car. Sam and Katrina run over and get in just as Colby started the car.

"You're coming with us?" Katrina asks excitedly.

"Guess so," I say, smiling a bit.

"You and Devyn need to cheer her up or something," Colby says, and Katrina gives him a look.

"It's a long story, I will tell you when we get to the house," I say, and she nods.

All The Little Lights // c.bKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat