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A/N when I watched this video a while ago, I was definitely creeped out by it. I will not have a ton of detail on what they experienced on the ship, but I figured it would be a fun chapter to write since I personally am interested in the Queen Mary and I do want to visit it sometime in the future

I packed a small bag with things I would need, which is just a set of comfy clothes and another set of regular clothes. I decide against bringing my camera, and zip up my bag. I figured I would talk about what happens and have pictures instead of filming everything there, cause knowing me I would forget and have two minutes of footage. I grab my bag and head downstairs where only Sam was seated.

"Sam, who else is coming?" I ask, taking a seat on the couch.

"You, me, Colby, obviously, and surprisingly Corey, as well as Jake and Aaron," he says, and I nod as everyone comes down.

"You all ready?" Jake asks us, and I nod.

"Alright!" Colby says, taking my arm and practically pulling me to the car.

"Oh my god, Colby," I say, and he looks back and smiles at me. Ugh, his smile kills me every time. I get in the backseat of the car with Colby and we drive to the pier that the Queen Mary was docked at.

"Guys, I'm kinda scared for this actually," Sam says, and I nod in agreement.

"I researched everything, especially about the room, and apparently a lot of people have died in the room. This video is definitely going to be a scary one," I say, and Colby nods.

"We should try not to videotape a lot though, cause spirits typically will try to contact you more if you aren't filming," Jake says, and I nod.

"Definitely," Sam says, and we park the car, walking to the dock where we prop up the camera and start filming.

"Hey guys its Sam and Colby," Colby starts, and I take his hand in mine.

"Tonight we are going to be spending the night on the Queen Mary in room B340, which is the most haunted room on the ship," Sam says, "and we are here with all the roommates, Corey, Aaron, Josie, Jake, and Colby."

"So, we do not know what to expect for this video, but we hope you guys enjoy," Colby says, and then Sam grabs the camera.

"What are the odds of five people dying on one room?" Corey asks as we walk up, and I shrug, staying close to Colby.

"So, they are only opening up the room for a limited time, since it is so haunted. They are closing it again soon, so we are pretty darn lucky to be able to stay in it tonight," Sam says.

"Wow, we got lucky," Colby says.

"For real, they opened it like three weeks ago," Sam says.

"Are you for real?" Corey and I ask at the same time, and point to each other.

"Jinx," I say first, then stick my tongue out at him.

"Wow, Josie," he says and I just laugh, and we continue walking up until we are in the ship.

"It's Friday the 13th too," Jake says.

"No it's not," Corey says, and checks his phone. Colby checks his as well and my mouth drops open.

"Are you fucking kidding me," I groan, and Colby bumps his hip against mine.

"Don't worry, I got you," he says smiling down at me.

"Wow, Thanks Colby," Sam says, and I smile.

"Ha," I say, and we finally step on the ship.

"So this was an old military ship," Sam says as we are in the elevator, and then it opens up making the worst creak ever.

"I didn't like that," I say, and dart out of the elevator, laughing.

"Yeah, neither did I," Corey says, and joins me skittering away while everyone else casually gets out of the elevator.

"These hallways are super creepy," Colby comments, "and the janitors that walk around like," and he starts imitating the janitors, causing a giggle to escape my lips.

"This isn't funny Jo!" Jake says jokingly, and I press my lips together and look down.

"Sorry, sorry," I say, and move around so I was behind Colby, then looked up and laughed a bit.

"Kidding, but that would be so scary," colby says, and I nod, smiling.

"Oh my god, dude check this," Sam says and hands Colby a transcript.

"Says a dude named Samuel," Colby pauses and looks up smiling.

"Your joking," Sam says, and Colby shakes his head.

"No, dude," he says, and he continues to tell the story, and when he was done Corey and I both stepped back, our hands covering our mouths in disbelief.

"No way," I say, and shake my head, and look at Corey.

"This night is going to be crazy," he says, and I nod. We walk down the creepy hallway and down a set of stairs.

"Since we are B340, our room is in the basement. It's the very last one, and it doesn't even have a room number," Sam says.

"Why not?" I ask, and try to think back to everything I read about this place the night before.

"I think people just kept taking it off," Sam says as we walk down yet another scary hallway. All the rooms had a small hallway leading into them, which made the whole scene even more scary. I looked back and saw Colby walking with Sam. He gave me a thumbs up and a questioning look, as if he were asking if I was okay, and I nod to him. Corey and I somehow started walking in the front, while Sam and Colby were behind us and Jake and Aaron took up the rear. We finally came to the end of the hallway and I moved out of the way so Jake could open the door. He let the door creak open, and the room had an eerie feel to it already.

"I already have a bad feeling about this," I say to the camera, and motion for Colby to go first. He goes in and takes my hand as he passes, and I follow him. There is a single white bed on one end of the room, and in the middle was a post with stories on all four sides about instances that happened in the room. The lights were on when we entered, and in a odd room across from the bed was a seating area still in the dark. In that room next to the couch was a Ouija board, a crystal ball, and other things that freaked me out.

"Why in the world would they keep a black crystal in here?" Sam asks, picking up a scary looking black crystal.

"Colby, come here, listen." Corey says, and we hear a faint siren.

"Sounds like an alarm," Colby comments.

"Okay, I have to go to the bathroom, but I do not want to go alone," someone says, but I was too focused on checking out the room to understand who it was.

"It's okay, we can go in, the six of us," Sam says, and I laugh and shake my head.

"Nah, I'll pass," I say. They all shrug, and as they start to all move to the bathroom jokingly, the light began to flicker.

"Oh god," Colby says, backing away from the bathroom and jining me near the bed.

"I just turned off the camera bro!" Sam says, and turns it on Corey who had lifted his sleeve.

"Bro, I just got chills," he says, and I felt my breath hitch in my throat.

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