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Today I was finally going to go back to my old apartment and pick up my car. At around noon, Colby and I got into his car and drove the short ten minutes to my old apartment. I'm only here because my former landlord called and told me that someone new was moving in. We were quiet on the drive there, and when we got there we saw my landlord talking to a couple.

"Hi Josie," she says, and I just wave at her. She was a sweet lady, and was always easy to talk to whenever we had issues in the apartment. I got in my car and started the engine, and memories came flooding back from when Ella would film intros in her car.

"Okay Josie, just drive home, and calm down," I tell myself, and switch my car into drive. Colby had waited for me, and he started to lead the way home. I drove slowly and carefully, and Colby kept pace. We finally made it home and I parked in a spot that was easy for others to get around and got out as fast as I could. Colby parked as well and came over to me, giving me a hug,.

"I didn't realize it was so hard for me to drive here," I say, and lay my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry, Jo," he says, and guides me towards the house. We enter and I go straight to Colby's room, pulling my laptop into my lap and turning on Netflix.  Colby doesn't come up, but I notice he goes live and I decide to watch.

"Hey guys," he starts, and when he sees my name his eyes widen, in a good way, "Josie!" He says excitedly, putting a smile on my face. I swipe up and start to type.

"Love you," he read aloud, then puts his hand over his heart and pins the comment, "I love you too Josie, feel better," he says and I smile, typing in 'I will'. He then asked me to join the live, and I do, keeping the camera off my face until I put my hair into a messy bun.

"Josieeee come to the cameraaaaa," he complains, and I show my face with a goofy smile, "there she is!"

"Hi babe," I say, "thank you for your help today," I smile and he nods and smiles back.

"Of course, I would have come with you upstairs by the way I just figured you would want space," he says, and I nod in understanding.

"By the way guys, I got my car today from my apartment," I say, and everyone starts sending hearts.

"Yeah, but now she's officially living with us now!" Colby says and cheers, as does Sam who comes on the screen.

"As if I haven't been living here the past like two months," I comment laughing, and Colby smiles.

"I love you Josie, so much," he says, then ends the live. I jump up and run downstairs, where he was just locking his phone. I jump on his back and plant a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you more, so much more," I say, and Sam joins the hug.

"I love you guys too!" Sam says, and I kick him in the stomach.

"Get off my man," I say, and bury my face into Colby's shoulder.

"Yeah, stay away from her," Colby says, and then winks at Sam and whispers something to him.

"Colby, no!" I say, and kick him in the thigh.

"Sorry, Sorry!" He says laughing, and I kiss him again.


We spend the rest of the afternoon thinking up video ideas for the Sam and Colby channel. I was scrolling though different places to do, and came across Queen Mary.

"Um, guys?" I question, and they both look up.

"yeah?" Sam asks, and I tilt my head as I read about it.

"What about Queen Mary?" I ask, and they both look at each other.

"The haunted ship?" Colby asks, and I nod.

"Yeah, it seems cool," I say, strolling through information.

"Didn't Shane Dawson do a video on that?" Sam asks, and I think for a moment.

"I think so? He probably did, Morgan Adams was in it right?" I ask, and they both nod.

"I love how you mention Morgan but not anyone else," Sam says, and I frown.

"I watch Morgan more than I watch the others!" I say, holding my hands up in feigned surrender causing them to laugh.

"Okay okay, we aren't judging, let's call and get a room," Colby says, pulling out his phone and pulling my computer closer to him.

"Hello?" He says she someone picks up, and he starts playing with the strings on my jeans that had ripped off from the holes in the knees.

"Hi, we would like a room for tomorrow night," he says, and twists a string around his finger.

"Most haunted one," he says smirking at us, and I slap his hand. Sam looks from him to me, his mouth open.

"Yeah, okay," he says, and he gives the lady his information then hangs up.

"I got us room B340," he says, and my jaw drops.

"You're shitting me," I say, and he shakes his head. I pull my computer back and scroll back through what I read.

"Dude, a bunch of paranormal shit happens in there," I say, and show them the article.

"Well, this is going to be one interesting video," Sam says, and I nod.

A/N just a reminder, videos I write about are not necessarily in order of occurence, and I also may take some people out of the video depending on who I have introduced already and such :) I try to include everyone I can, though!

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