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Colby's POV

"Corey!" I hear Devyn yell, and I run upstairs following Corey, thinking that something must have happened to Josie. When I open the door, my suspicions were right. She had passed out, and Devyn was on the floor next to her. Corey crouched down next to her as well, and checked her pulse. She then woke up, and tried to sit up.

"Josie, no," Devyn says, and lays her back down.

"Shit," she mumbles, and rubs her eyes.

"Do you need help?" I ask hesitantly, and she quickly glances over at me. I watch her face grow bright red and she hides her face.

"I got it, can I put her in your bed though?" Corey asks, and I nod. Corey picks her up and judging by the look on his face she must've been light. I follow them to my room where he places her gently down. She moves over though so her legs are hanging off and she goes to stand.

"Josie, rest," Corey orders, and Devyn comes in.

"Josie, do you know what happened?" She asks her, and she nods.

"I passed out, but I'm fine," she says, but I could tell she wasn't. She stands and pulls Corey and I outside.

"She has to eat something, anything!" Devyn says, and then we hear Josie holler at us.

"I can hear you guys, if you wanna talk about me talk to me," she says, and so we renter the room. She was curled up on my bed, hugging one of my pillows.

"You have to eat," Devyn says quietly, and she nods.

"I know. But I can't. I feel sick thinking about it," she says, her voice getting muffled by the pillow.

"Please, Jo?" I whisper, and her eyes connect with mine for a split second before she looked away. She was so close to me, yet she was so far gone I didn't know if I would get her back.

Josie's POV

I sit on silence, not answering Devyns question. Finally I look up and looking at Devyn only nod. I place Colby's pillow back on his bed and stand, slipping out of the room despite their calls for me to take it easy. I couldn't give a fuck right now, about anything. I opened the fridge and scanned the items.

"You want help?" Devyn asks, and I press my lips into a line.

"No," I say, and search through my memory for a recipe my mom used to make. I remember it, and begin opening drawers for ingredients. I find a bag of broccoli, as well as a bag of microwaveable quinoa, which was surprising. I put that in the microwave and set the broccoli aside for the moment. I then went to the spice area and pulled out red peppers and salt. When the quinoa was done, I switched it out with the broccoli and put the quinoa in a bowl. I stirred in some red peppers, then went to the fridge for butter. When the broccoli was done, I put some in the bowl with a little butter and salt on it. I put everything away then grabbed a fork. I pushed some of the broccoli aside for now and took a bite of quinoa, and like up, remembering that Corey, Devyn, and Colby were still here.

"You guys dont have to watch me," I say, and Corey and Devyn leave, but not Colby. He stayed seated, and I glared at him.

"Why are you still here," I say, eating a piece of broccoli.

"Cause I want to," he says simply, and I roll my eyes. I couldn't deal anymore. I finished my food and put my bowl in the sink. When I turned around Colby was standing there, well a couple feet away.

"Um, can I help you?" I ask him as I rinse my bowl.

"Let me," he says, and takes the sponge and bowl from my hands. I let him, too tired to put up a fight, and sit where he was sitting earlier. I watched him from the back as he washed my dishes, and realized how much I have truly, truly missed him.

"Colby?" I ask quietly, and he shuts off the water and turns to me, leaning on the counter.

"Yeah?" He asks, and I draw circles on the counter as I take a breath.

"I-I'm willing to try again," I say, and press my lips into a line. I take a shaky breath and look up, and he is smiling.

"Yeah?" He asks, and I nod.

"But, don't hurt me like that again. Please," I say and feel myself start to cry again. In an instant he is by me, and wrapping his arms around my frail body.

"I promise, babe," he whispers into my hair, and I let the tears flow.


That night I slept on his bed, while he took the couch despite my protests. When I woke up, his arm was hanging over the couch onto his bed, and he was on his phone. I rolled my body around so I was facing him, and he noticed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Have you vlogged recently?" He asks, and I nod.

"Yeah, I have been vlogging in Australia," I say, "I just haven't posted them. On my instagram I said I wouldn't be posting for a bit due to personal stuff," I whisper to him, and he nods in understanding.

"Um, you want to do something today?" Colby asks me, and I nod.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask, and he swallows.

"Well, the fans are curious as to why you haven't been in my videos at all the past month or so, so I was thinking we would do a q and a and answer any of the fans questions that we want," he says, and I nod.

"Okay," I say, and he sends a tweet out. Questions start flowing in, and Colby screenshots certain ones while I rest my head on his shoulder. Once we had about ten questions, he propped up his camera and I pulled on a hoodie, tying my hair in a bun.

"Okay, all truth?" He says, and I nod, and we begin rolling.

"Hey guys, Colby Brock here, and I am here with the one and only Josie Sutton!" He says, and I smile at the camera.

"Today, as you can see by the title, we are doing a q and a! We asked you guys to send in some questions and we selected some that we felt comfortable enough answering," I say, and Colby pulls up the first question on his phone.

"Why hasn't @JosieSutton been in your videos recently?" Colby reads aloud, then directs the question to me.

"Colby and I had a personal issue, so I went on a short vacation for a few weeks, but we are okay now," I say, and Colby nods in approval.

"Okay, do you guys have any future plans together?" Colby reads out and i smile, "of course," he answers, and hugs me closer.

We answer more questions, which were mostly about our relationship, before we ended the video. He shut off the camera then looked to me.

"What?" I ask, and he smiles.

"i don't know, just good to have you back," he says, which causes me to smile as well.

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