C H A P T E R 7

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Life after coma, do they have tutorials for this?

I don't think crash courses offer any for it either.

Bullet point number one: the people I know moved on with their lives while I was stuck. My best friends were gone to opposite ends of the world where their mates were. I could not call them back with a snap of my fingers. After all, mates trump best friend.

In relation to that, I don't know when and where to resume my schooling. Repeating a year and lagging behind, the prospect of diving into high school without the people I knew made it less appealing. A week after waking, I returned to school to get my documents in order but the curious gazes of the students made me self-conscious.

'What happened, Ms. Tyler?'

'What's with the eye?'

Damn, if I know.

Contact lens irritated my eye so I had to resort to using a Japanese style eye patch to hide it. I had been taking the new look for a spin the duration of the morning I was on the school grounds. On the bright side, I get to cosplay a little.

'I heard people say you wouldn't make it but here you are.'

'Are you going to be ok now? Are you really in the clear? You do not have to jump right back to school yet. Take more time for yourself, rest.'

Thank you but I think I have rested enough for two years. I wasn't looking forward to breaking Aurora's record and all.

"The whole kingdom stopped when the curse struck her. Time stopped for all of them; maybe it could for a princess, eh? Extras like me don't get the same privileges," I muttered dejectedly as I wiped my tears. I had no fairy godmothers to put my pack into a deep slumber while I slept.

"The world kept spinning just fine without me!"

This was the real world. It stopped for no one.

Bullet point number two: The Alpha has me under strict surveillance. Though they tried to be discreet, I could spot two of my guards just a tree away from the bench where I sat.

Forced to be with me, Kai Randale instructed me to wait out as she conducted her class. I avoided talking to her unless necessary so I just nodded. Indifference was mutually shared, I guess. Ms. Randale never initiated a casual conversation so that left me here basking under the sun while I wait.

"Wait," Using my left hand to shield me from the sun, I wondered why my mate mark would disappear. It was gradually fading.

The bond was no more.

However, Ms. Randale still had hers though it was not as pronounced as I remembered. Our bond was breaking if not totally broken.

She was the open air and I was the fish out of water suffocating but I would not die. I feel my heart twinge occasionally was all.

This was torture.

Alpha Milos had Ms. Randale on babysitting duty so she came to help me with my papers while my parents worked. For her, she was with me to fulfill her duty to the Alpha.

Bullet number three: Sid.

My parents had been acting weird around me lately, specifically right after the visit where that Sid implied that I was the spawn of evil, incarnated into their daughter who refused to die. Everyone believed her.

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