Chapter 7

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I could hear the girls chattering in the halls loudly, and I got up to see exactly what was going on.

When I stepped out, it was George making his way to my dorm. All the girls stood around him and made way. Some looked at him in fear, some in lust, and some in a mocking way.

As he passed Betty, she straightened her shoulders and pushed her chest out. She obviously saw something she liked in him.

"How did you come up here?" I asked in shock. He looked down at me and grinned.

"I slipped past the people downstairs." He told me. "It's all old men anyway."

I laughed. George was always able to make me laugh. I looked him up and down. He had his coat slung over his arm, and a boxy suit on. His brown fedora hat was tipped to the side. A gold tie clip that shimmered was on his shirt, and his belt was made of darkened alligator skin.

"Come into my room." I invited him. All of the girls made an ooh noise in unison. I rolled my eyes playfully at then and shut the door after George.

He sat on my bed and I stood in front of him. He looked up at me, I was only in my night robe and some fuzzy slippers.

"You haven't called me." George reminded me. "I thought you died or something."

"I was thinking." I lied. "Just took time for myself."

George paused for a moment.

"I don't know a lot about you." He said, taking my hand. "Or this."

He showed off that wide, charismatic smile.

"But all I know is that I like being with you. You're a fine girl." He told me.

He looked down at his lap, and took off his hat. Then, he placed it beside him. He held my hand with both of his now.

"I wanted to ask you..." He asked in a low voice, then looked up at me. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. "If you'd go steady with me."

I didn't know if I should. I liked George but I kept feeling like there could be more. Could it be that George was too secure? Why was I so attracted to—

"I got your bag from... oh." Helen walked in the room with my trapezoid shaped purse. "Hi George!"

"You couldn't see the door was shut?" I asked, still standing in front of George with my hand in his hands.

"I'll just set this down here..." Helen said placing the purse on my dresser by the door. "You've been a very busy girl."

Helen walked off, and Betty came by the door to peak in. Helen whisperingly scolded her, and then shut the door.

I looked back to George, and rubbed his face. We looked into each other's eyes, and I kissed him.

It was nice, but there wasn't any spark. That explosion I had with Marlon was absent.

George suddenly wasn't so gentlemanly, and his arm wrapped around my waist. He pulled me close as I stood over him and held on tight to my waist.

Then, his hand made his way down my satin robe and grabbed my ass. I squeezed his shoulder in response, and both of us moaned.

"I can't." I told him sadly. "I have to think about all of this. I'd have to think about us."

"I understand that." George said, kissing my hand again. "Plus, you're a good girl. Probably untouched."

Untouched? Did this man think I was a virgin? For that time, that was the assumption for an unmarried girl. But still, I wasn't just any unmarried girl.

I stepped back, and George stood back up. He slung his coat around his arm again, this time covering his crotch. Our little scene obviously had him excited.

Taking his hat, he put it on, and tipped it to the side. He walked closer to me, and gave me a kiss again.

"Call me. And if you don't I definitely will." He told me. I watched him as he stepped out of my room and left me alone.

It wouldn't be long before Helen was coming in and shutting the door behind her.

"I can't believe you slept with Marlon!" Helen whisper-shouted. "He is such a disgrace!"

"In what way?" I asked with a smile, sitting on the bed.

Helen was awkward, the wheels turned in her head to make herself sound like she wasn't a prude to sex. To love, she couldn't get enough of it.

"Well... I walked in there.... and he was very shameless." She said with a nod.

"Some say I'm shameless." I reminded her.

"But he... he really has no shame. He's so direct and... he just. It was horrible! I'd never see him again." Helen insisted.

"Trust me, I'm not." I shook my head.

"And why not?" Helen asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"He made love to me, or at least he slept with me— and then he just wanted me out. Done." I admitted to her. "I've never felt so used in my life."

But what I wasn't telling her was that I kind of liked it.

"That's... that's horrible." Helen nodded. "I can't believe that!"

"Have any of you met men?" A voice asked. We looked and there Doris stood in the doorway. She had on a men's pajama robe, loafers and her hair was...

"You're bald!" Helen shouted and covered her mouth. She acted like she saw an alien.

"I'm not bald... I just cut my hair short. Like a fella!" Doris said as she stroked her fingers through her now short hair. If you didn't know her you'd honestly think she was a boy.

"You look good, Doris." I complimented. Helen still stood in shock, her cheeks red.

"I've only read about this in the books!" She said.

"Well here I am." Doris said with open arms. "Any who, both of you don't know men. Men will fuck you and leave you just like that."

Helen flinched at the word 'fuck'

"And what do you do to stop it?" She asked silently.

"You either A) get over it, B) fuck them like how they fuck you gals or C) give em' up all together!" Doris told us, stuffing her hands in the small pockets of her night robe.

"Give them up? But then you'll be alone forever! A girl without a guy..." Helen sighed. Doris rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Anyway, Pat. If you really want to get under his skin, take control." Doris advised.

"Well that's just horrible! That's shallow and horrible!" Helen insisted, and then tried to walk through the doorway.

When she couldn't exactly fit through, Doris looked down at her. She swiped against her and pushed herself out, stomping down the hall.

"What does she have against you?" I asked with a risen brow.

Doris chuckled, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

"I don't know, maybe she's in love with me or something." She smirked with a cigarette between her lips. While holding the door knob, she gave me a two finger salute and then left with the shut of the door.

I thought about the advice Doris gave me.

Fuck them like how they fuck us gals. She said "you gals" when she told me that. Isn't she a gal too?

I got under my sheets and laid in bed. Fuck him like how he fucked me. Fuck him like how he fucked me. Fuck him—

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