Chapter 47

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Finally, we stood in front of a ride Marlon was itching to get on. I felt my stomach flip as I looked at the people in the air. I didn't believe I could possibly have the guts to do that.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Marlon said as we looked up at the people being pulled in the air. The ride was hundreds of feet in the sky, and similar to the rides today that take you in the air and drop you.

The only difference is that this ride parachuted you down.

The only harness you had was to your parachute, and if it was a windy day you could've easily been blown out of the landing area. I was nervous to go on such a lax ride, but Marlon was eager.

"I'll be right next to you." He held my hand as he tried to comfort me.

"Yeah, in the next parachute." I answered back. We stood on the line together, Marlon wrapping his arms around me from behind as we waited.

We got to the end and the teenage boy opened the gate to provide access. I placed my large teddy bear on the ground. An older man inside helped us put on the harnesses.

The parachutes were limp and attached to the ride, and the man carefully placed the harness on me. He tried not to offend me in anyway by touching me strangely.

"Nervous?" He asked and I nodded. I know I looked scared out of my mind, Marlon smiled as another man harnessed him in.

"Just remember not to tilt in any direction, left, right, forward or backward, up or down. Just keep your body straight and let gravity take the lead." The man in the funny hat advised. "Oh, and if you get dizzy, don't look down, look up at the 'chute there."

"Alright." I could barely find the words. He looked to Marlon, then looked to me, then looked to Marlon again.

"You're going steady with that guy?" He asked and I nodded. He gave me a warm small. "Times are changing everyday."

"I guess so." I said warmly as he walked toward a control panel.

"How old are you?" The man asked.

"I'm 20 years old." I answered and the man nodded.

"You like coming down to Coney Island? Have you had fun, that is?" The man asked as he pushed buttons in front of him.

"Well I guess, but I'm not really—" The ride began pulling us swiftly into the air. The man was becoming a small, indistinguishable ant on the ground. He waved at me as I arose to the top.

We got to the top of the ride, and you could see miles of New York. The view was beautiful. I looked next to me, and I could see Marlon a few feet away taking in the same vista.

Next thing I knew, I heard a snap and I was falling swiftly towards the ground. I screamed like I've never screamed before, but walking before I'd splat on the ground, my parachute began to function.

The people and objects on the ground began getting larger and larger as I glided toward it. I began to trust in my parachute. I stretched out my feet and landed on the ground, and the man came to unbuckle me.

"You did good, kid." He winked and I was freed from that parachute. I was able to walk on my own, despite my now wobbly legs.

Marlon walked over to me and planted a large kiss on my lips. A few people on the line of the ride stared in horror, but we didn't care. All we wanted to do was love each other.

"I've never felt more alive!" Marlon smiled as he looked down at me. "You looked beautiful up there."

"You could see me? You descended faster than I did." I said with a risen brow.

"No, but I just know you looked beautiful." Marlon smirked and planted another kiss on me.

Next, we went on a log ride, and Marlon's form fitting t-shirt was suddenly see through. He peeled it off, and walked down the boardwalk to head to the beach.

I stood in a striped tent next to Marlon's as we changed, and we set up a towel on that beach. We laid together, snuggling and cuddling.

One young girl picked up her towel and moved elsewhere. A black couple looked at us, but didn't care. They stayed in their place. A white family turned around and gave us looks, but didn't have the nerve to say a word. Even the children gave us looks. They couldn't have been older that 7 and 10.

We held hands running toward the ocean water, letting it wash over us. I jumped onto Marlon, wrapping my arms around his torso in the water. He laughed as held me close, giving me small kisses all over.

A whistle blew, and we looked around.

Was a child being to rambunctious in the water?

Was someone having a medical emergency and drowning?

Was it that there was a sudden shark in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and it was imperative that we all evacuated the shore?

No. None of that was the case. The only issue that life guard had was that I was black, and Marlon was white. And that was much more dangerous and horrific to be seen at a beach than a shark.

Marlon gave the man a deep stare, and held my hand as we walked out of the water. The beach watched as we made our way back to our towel, and gathered our things. I held my big teddy bear as well.

"I'm sorry, Pat." Marlon said softly, and kissed my hand. We left that beach, and we left the amusement park. I swore I'd never return after that day, the bitterness of the people ruined my perception of a "happy" place.

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