Chapter 23*

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The only nearby light was the oil lamp at the nearby decor table. I leaned my elbows on that circular window, and my clothing was removed. A naked Marlon stood in front of me, thrusting into me against the wall and window.

People from the sidewalk could probably see my naked back rocking back and forth, or Marlon press his arm against the glass to be him leverage. His lips was intertwined with mine as I wrapped my leg around his hips, and he was deep inside of me.

"You have somewhere to be." I whispered and he thrusted harder.

"This is more important." He said, moving both of his arms to my waist. I closed my eyes and turned my head back as he kissed my neck, my elbows getting sore from leaning on the window.

"Cum for me." Marlon whispered, thrusting slower and deeper. "Come on, Patricia."

I wrapped my arms around him as I kissed him, he groaned as his face fell onto my shoulder. He went faster, and I pushed on his shoulder.

"Careful." I whispered to him. His mouth gaped as he thrusted slowly, and my cheeks got hotter with every touch. I held onto his shoulders and exhaled.

"I brought Patricia with me, everyone." Marlon said as we entered through the stage door. He held my hand and showed me off to all of his cast mates.

"Pat... good to see ya again!" Jessica smiled as she looked at me through her lit up mirror. Then, she continued added makeup to her face.

"Hey, Pattie." Rudy Bond said as he passed by.

"It's Pat." Marlon and I said in unison as we held hands. He chuckled and held my waist.

Gee Gee James, another black woman, nodded and smiled as she passed by. "Hiya, Pat."

"Aye, Mitch!" Marlon smiled as Harold Mitchell passed by.

Suddenly, the young blonde I loathed practically floated her way over to us. She was ghostly. She pouted as she looked me up and down.

"You." Kim said sourly as she looked at me in her costume.

"Me." I shrugged. "Him." I pointed at Marlon. Marlon was fed up with Kim's attitude.

"Us." Marlon said dramatically. "This, that, here, there, Dick and Jane— congrats you know how to speak."

Kim pouted and bolted off. Gee Gee frowned at Marlon.

"Don't let that energy show up on stage." She warned.

Suddenly, a shortish man with a mustache walked into the room. Everyone got silent. Marlon sat down in a nearby fold chair, and motioned for me to come over. I sat on his lap and watched silently.

"I'm sure you guys have heard the news." The man said. "And I am truly grateful for the wonderful performances you have attributed to this story. And..."

Bitchy Kim broke down crying in the background.

"I wish you all the best of luck." The man pierced his lips together and nodded. "Thank you."

He walked off and everyone whispered and murmured in the room. I looked down at Marlon. And he held onto my hip tightly as I sat on his lap. He looked off into space, in some kind of shock. I rubbed his shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey." I told him and he looked up at me. "Knock 'em out."

When we returned to the apartment after the show, Marlon was filled with sorrow once again.

I laid in bed night to him, for the first time actually bringing a nightgown and panties to his house. He slept in his boxers.

"And we just got this damned apartment where the rent is so high." Marlon cried out. "What the hell are we gonna do?"

"You and Wally will be okay." I tried to reassure him.

"I'm the bread winner here. Wally is just starting out, Jesus Christ." Marlon sighed as he turned and held me close. "Wally sells jewelry just to make ends meet."

"Where does he get his jewelry from?" I asked with a risen brow.

"Don't ask." Marlon chuckled into my chest. I laughed, stroking his hair. "I'm hungry."

"You don't cook, and neither do I." I smirked. "And you ate all the snacks out of the fridge."

"Can you get us take out from around the corner?" Marlon asked and I nodded, putting on my coat and walking into the living room.

Wally sat watching their new television set. He laughed as Ed Sullivan cracked jokes on the tiny, silver screen.

"I'm heading out to the diner around the corner. Want anything?" I asked, grabbing my purse.

"I'm fine, thank you." Wally smiled. He looked at the clock on the wall, then mumbled. "Well— do you have to leave so soon?"

"Marlon is hungry and honestly so am I." I smiled opening the door. Two men stood at the door, one tall and attractive with brown hair and ice blue eyes. The other short, but just as attractive, with dark hair and a captivating stare.

"Aye, whose this?" The short one asked.

"She was just leaving." Wally stood up.

"Well, we have some business to talk with you. I believe you owe us something." The tall one said. My stomach flipped, and I looked back at Wally.

"Come on in, Pat, why don't you just head home?" Wally said nervously. I couldn't exactly figure out who those men were and why Wally's facial expression seemed worried.

"Alright." I said softly.

"Hey, what's your name?" The tall man asked. I looked to him, and wondered if I should tell him.

"Patricia." I answered. He nodded, smirking. I noticed he had a slight scar above his lip. "Nice to meet you, toots."

He was attractive but gave me a weird feeling, and I made my way out.

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