Chapter 42

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Marlon walked to the corner and whistled. Suddenly, a horse and carriage parked in front of us.

"Imagine if you hadn't shown up? I would have ridden this alone." Marlon laughed and I giggled back. He took my hand and helped me step onto the carriage. Then he joined me as well.

"You know where to." Marlon called out to the coachman. The coachman wore a old-timey top hat, and he turned around and tipped it at us.

Marlon held my hand and the carriage set out.

"Isn't this slower than a car?" I asked as I looked at him. Marlon's face got red, looking down at his lap. "I'm sorry, I'm ruining it."

"Yeah, just a little." Marlon peered over at me. "I just wanted to do something nice for you."

"This is amazing." I smiled giving Marlon a kiss on the cheek. "Since when did you become a romantic?"

Marlon's eyes looked out in front of him at the tall New York buildings. Then his honey eyes looked down at me. "When I realized what it was like not to have you."

Marlon left a kiss on my cheek, then held my hand between his two large hands. It fit perfectly.

"There's so much I've wanted to tell you, but I couldn't put it in a letter or say it over the phone." Marlon shook his head.

"You've said a lot over the phone." I joked, but Marlon looked up at me. He wasn't talking about that, I could see it in his eyes. This Marlon was foreign, and it felt like I was meeting him all over again.

"I know I'm not a man to sit and talk about my feelings." Marlon laughed and I listened intently. He looked down at my hand that was clipped in his hands. "I wanted to tell you, that you mean—"

We hit a bump and I began falling more onto Marlon. We laughed together as I sat back up, but then I realized the carriage had stopped.

"Damn it, Herbert!" The coachman shouted.

I looked up at Marlon. "Who's Herbert?" I whispered and he shrugged while raising his eyebrows, a smile on his face.

It was hard to see from where we sat, but the coachman grumbled at the horse. Then, he bent down near the wheel.

Marlon's temper started setting in. "Come on, I'm paying you!"

"It's fine." I rested my other hand on his shoulder. "It'll be alright, the only thing that matters is that we're together."

Marlon kissed my lips softly, then hopped out to see what was going on. I scooted in his seat to watch what they were doing.

"There's a pot hole here and the wheel is stuck, we'll have to try and pull the wheel to get it out." The coachman said to Marlon. Marlon nodded, his hands stuff in the pockets of his expensive suit.

They said some inaudible things, then I heard the coachman say "well you're a young fellow, you can handle it."

Marlon laughed at that remark as they both bent over to tend to the stuck wheel. They pulled, but it wouldn't budge. They pulled again, and nothing happened.

I was tired of watching, and I scooted back in my seat. I watched the sidewalk, and a couple was walking by.

I didn't know where they were coming from, nor where they were going to. But you could tell in their eyes and the way they laughed at each other, that they were in love.

Suddenly, my whole body fell to the other side of the carriage again. This time, the carriage stayed at a tilted angle. I looked up out of the carriage, and the coachman was screaming at Marlon.

"Guess I was too strong for the job." Marlon joked. He took my hand and I stepped down. The wheel had been totally pulled off of the carriage.

I laughed at the sight of it. Marlon pulled out a wad of money and threw it into the carriage. Then Marlon placed his hand on the small of my back as we tried to run down the street. I couldn't run much in my dress.

Once we ran two blocks, we were both out of breath. I leaned my back against a building and Marlon stood in front of me, caressing me.

"I'm sorry tonight ended up like this." Marlon sighed.

"Tonight was perfect." I smiled, and Marlon grinned, kissing me. We slowly kissed against the building, my hand finding its way onto the nape of Marlon's neck. Marlon placed his hand on my jawline.

His kiss moved down the side of my face, kissed the other side of my jaw, and down to my neck. He kissed the center of my neck, and I held onto his shoulders. Then, he kissed my lips again, we didn't have a care in the world.

Afterwards, I held his hand as I waved for a cab. The cab pulled up and we both piled in. In the back of the cab, we still couldn't keep our hands off each other. We just kissed as if we were teenagers, and savored every moment.

"Did you leave the apartment unlocked?" I asked quietly between a kiss.

"Wally would've let them in." Marlon answered lowly. "Now enough with that..."

We went back to our passionate kiss. His hand reached my thigh, and rubbed along my form fitting dress. Finally, the cab stopped shortly.

"You're here." The cab driver said, annoyed at us. Marlon threw him his cash, then got out the cab. He held my hand as I stepped out, and the cab driver sped away.

"After you." Marlon smiled with a risen brow. I nodded and stepped toward the front door of the building. He got into a jog toward the door and held it open, and I nodded at him as I stepped inside.

We were now both in that beautiful lobby once again, and Marlon pointed to a certain wall.

"While I was gone, they got an elevator." Marlon smirked. He led me to the elevator and pushed the button. The doors opened, and the elevator boy smiled at us. We smiled back, stepping inside.

Marlon and I both faced the doors and stood side by side, however his arm occasionally brushed against mine. My cheeks got warm, I wanted to touch him. He slowly placed his hand on the small of my back, and down to my ass.

My eyes closed, but next thing I knew the elevator stopped.

"Here's your floor." The young guy smiled, and we stepped onto his floor. We walked down the hall, holding hands and got to his front door.

It sounded loud as ever in there, as if the whole place was being turned upside down. When he opened the door, the whole cast plus a few other guests were inside.

Women with corsets and boas walked throughout the house, Arthur was popping a bottle of champagne at the dining table Marlon had in a corner and Teresa sat and chatted with other girls who were at the party.

"What the hell?" Marlon cursed as he shut the door.

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