Chapter 14 : His old friend

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Audrey's POV


I've been bored for hours.

Watching YouTube by yourself is boring.

I stood up from bed and changed into a pair of jeans and a cute white top, grabbed my sling bag and left my dorm.

I used the bus to get to the mall. Unfortunately, I actually hate riding buses because creeps might stare at you and some might even sit around you and talk to you.

They'll ask you personal questions and it'll be so awkward and creepy when they smile at you and sometimes you have to lie to them when they ask you where you're from or how old are you because it'll be unsafe to expose your address and identity to a stranger.

"Hey there little girl," a creepy guy said on the bus.

I just rolled my eyes but smiled back.

"Hi," I innocently replied like I'm 6.

"Where are you going?"


"Do you wanna follow me somewhere."

"No thanks."

"Come on, it'll be fun,"


Does he know what's fun?

"I'm good."

"It's gonna be wild and cool," he explained.

He's getting on my nerves.

"I'd rather stick onto where I'm going."

"You sure?"

"Listen, when a girl says no. Means no!" I raised my voice.

"You don't have to deny. It's an offer," he shrugged.

"Look, why don't you go find some other dollies to play with. I'm not interested," I shot at him.

"Chill girl."

"Whatever," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"So....where you're heading?" He asked.

"None of your business," I growled.

"Hey let's—"

"You better shut your mouth before I throw you out of this bus." I angrily stood up and shot him with glares.

"You don't scare me. I know who you are."

"Too bad, I don't," I said, then sat back down.

"The names Jeremy," he said. "And you're Audrey from my class."

"I'm pretty sure you saw me smashed Mike on my first day. So don't mess with me," I hissed.

"Oh yeah, totally," he looked a little scared.

Soon, it was my stop. I got down from the bus and so did he.

"I thought you said you wanna have fun somewhere?"

"Yeah, here," he pointed out.

"Why were you messing with me back in the bus?" I asked.

"I like scaring girls and I thought you were just a show off throwing Mike like some kind of wrestler but who knew you aren't."

"Thanks for the test, but you don't have to waste your time. Once, I punched a guy in the face because he held my hand." I scratched my head. "Luckily, his face was fine, but not his nose. It was bleeding."

"You're scary, you know?"

"Yeah..." I blushed.

Girl, you just met him and now you're blushing.

"Mind if I follow you?"

"I guess..."

We walked around the place. I got some Starbucks then we happened to passed by the Cinema.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked.


"What theme?"

"You pick."


"Cool." I shrugged.

Since outside drinks and food weren't aloud. Jeremy dared me to chug my Starbucks with one shot and I did. I kinda lost my breath but it was fine.

We watched The Nun all under Jeremy's treat. I wanted to pay for myself but he wouldn't let me so I told him that I'll get the popcorn and drinks. He had his and I had mine. No sharing included.

We just met anyways, and I'm find with us sticking as friends.

I don't know why a lot of people would say that the movie is scary because for me, I've seen way worst ones. It's quite religious so that makes it a little scarier but other than that, it's enjoying to watch. 

To be honest, I kinda have fun with Jeremy. Although we've just met, at least there's someone I could hangout with and have fun. I mean like, I bet that Ryder wouldn't do the same.

I feel like I'm just a piece of chew toy for him. It's like, I'm always the one to do his dirty work. For instance, waking him up every morning like I'm some kind of maid who doesn't even receive income for that. 

Like, does he know how tiring that is. 

When the movie ended, we left the cinema.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually had fun." I smiled.

He responded with a smile and said, "Yeah, me too."

"We better get back to the school, it's 5 pm. Ryder's gonna kill me," I said.

"Why didn't he followed you to the mall? Why were you here all but yourself?" He sounded concern.

"Well, he said he's going to his friend's dorm. Probably to do boys stuff like what he always say to me. Do you know what he meant by "boys stuff"? I mean like, you're a boy too."

"Well, I know that Ryder is a bossy guy so he probably went there to have fun like games or shots. He also uses people then treats them like garbage so that's why I'm no longer his friend," he explained and it kind of hurt me to hear that.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I said, breaking a smile.

"Oh, okay. If you say so," he said and we walked out of the mall and took the bus back home.

Ryder's POV

It's already 5 pm and Audrey is still not home. Where could she be?

As I was walking down the hallways, I saw her figure and quickly hide beside the lockers.

She was walking in together with Jeremy. My face grew in anger. She went out with Jeremy and didn't even let me know about it. Could he be the one Audrey meet up with at the library just now?

This is so frustrating. He probably said something about me to her behind my back, as usual. We used to be best buds but he slowly got influenced by Lucas and went against me for fame.

But, what does he have to do with Audrey? This could be one of Lucas's plans. But, I also wanna know if Jeremy and Kevin are both related to the same topic because, isn't it a little weird that Audrey happened to bump into them on the same day?

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

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