Chapter 22 : Once a jerk, always a jerk

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- 5.23 am -

It's Monday. And I'm not ready. I'm not ready to face Nick Keller.

I'm never gonna be ready.

Not in a million years will I ever be.

I have no idea what possible things would he do to me the moment he meets me again.

Wait, does he even know I'm in this school?

"Audrey, you're just paranoid."

"Wait, how'd you know I'm awake?" I frowned as I faced Ryder under the dark.

"You've been talking to yourself about 32 minutes straight," he said and looks at the time.

Oops. Well that was embarrassing.

"Sorry," I said and burried my face in my knees.

"Hey, everything's gonna be alright, babe," he patted my head.

"Hey! You're only suppose to call me that when he's around!"

If you're wondering why he called me that. We had a plan. We're gonna 'fake date' so that Nick won't bother me that much especially when I have a boyfriend, it's a sign of telling him that he's lost and hopefully back off.

"But it's fun to say it with that reaction," he said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "It's just....the last time didn't went well and I'm not ready to face him."

"Yeah, I know you said that earlier when you speak your mind," he said. "I'm gonna go and take a shower."


Calm down, Audrey.

Just calm down and chill.

He probably forgotten about you.

You weren't that obvious anyways.

Not much people probably didn't notice that you left the school.

I breathe in and out then got out of bed.

"If I can't get myself distracted, then I'll have to rely on something to get me distracted," I said to myself and grabbed a random book from the shelf.

"I'm done," Ryder said, as he walked out of the bathroom already in his uniform.

"Oh, okay." I shrugged and closed my book and put it back on the shelf.

"Let me guess, distracting yourself with a book?" He smirked.

"What else can I do?"

"We can go on a 'date', only if you want to. You know, we can get to know each other better,'" he said, slightly blushing but with a shrug, trying to hide the shyness inside on him.

"Okay, it's a deal. 7pm, pick me up at my temporary dorm. You know, where I'm gonna share with Nick." I smirked.


"Ah, Ms. Woodstock. Just in time. Nick is gonna arrive here soon, please sit," the principal said and gestured me to sit at the seat in front of her.

Since, I'm gonna meet a 'new student', I should wear something polite and casual at the same time, right? So I'll be wearing a sky blue sweater with a cute white skirt and some white sneakers to go with my skirt. And I tie an up down hairstyle as my favourite hairstyle.

"So, I'll be touring Nick during class? And I'll have to skip it?" I asked, clenching my fist.

"Yes, but don't worry. You'll have an official leave so that no marks will be deducted in your report," she explained.

That's not what I'm worried about, I'm worry about what he could do to me at the quiet hallways when everyone else is in class. Don't worry, right? Cause I'm 'dating' Ryder and if anything bad happens, I'll tell my 'boyfriend' to deal with it.

"So where is he coming?" I asked.

The principal opened her mouth to speak but a door knock interrupted her. I turned my head to face the door, trembling in fear.

Oh no oh no oh no, he's here.

The door opened slightly and Ryder walked in.

Thank goodness.

"Ah, good morning Mr. Holland, sit here for the moment," she said and gestured to the seat beside me, that must be the seat for Nick.

Why does he have to sit down?

I prefer Ryder!

"So Ms. Woodstock will be moving to Nick's dorm and I'll need you to help Ms. Woodstock to bring her things over," she explained.

"Sure...." He replied, sounding unhappy.

Of course he is, even I am unhappy that I'll have to live with that jerk for literally a month!

"And, I would want you both to treat him very nicely. I don't want bad behaviour when we welcome him," she spoke seriously.

"Okay," we both said in union.

Then, there was another knock on the door but this time, I wasn't really scared cause I got Ryder with me. I looked to face the door and soon, a blonde haired guy entered, wearing a Holloway Varsity Team Jacket.

Classic Nick.

He was the school football team captain and so called, "sweetheart." when he's actually a jerk in disguise.

Yes, he's also a player who plays with girls like toys or whatsoever and I'm sick of it.

I rolled my eyes as he walked in between Ryder and I, but was facing the principal. "Hello, Mr. Keller. Nice to meet you," the principal said with such a warm smile.

I smiled along with greeted teeth but he didn't see me, not yet. Which is a good thing, I guess I'm still invisible. Haha.

"Are you excited to meet your old friend?" She asked.

"Yeah," he smiled.


"There she is," she gestured to me and he turned his head in shock to see me.

Of course he does, it's like he's never seen me before. I'm probably invisible.

"Did you miss her?"

Oh stop.

"Yes, I do," he said, still smiling at me. I smiled back awkwadly.

"How's your school here?" He asked me.

"Haha, better than my old one. I hate it and everyone else that has doubted me," I said sarcastically, actually referring to him as one of the jerks that I hate. He smiled back awkwadly probably knowing that it was him that I was saying about.

"So you know that Ms. Woodstock will be moving into your dorm to accompany you and I hope you'll be nice to her like before," the principal said.

"Yes, of course," he innocently said, but when he turned around, his expression turned into a creepy movie scene where the killer stares at you creepily as if they're gonna do something bad to you.

I plastered a smile all over my face and whispered, "Oh no," under my breath.

He's still hasn't change.

Not one bit.

How am I gonna survive?!


I know that it's not that interesting but what happens during the school tour? Without Ryder by her side, could she possibly do it?

Bye!!! 😘😘😘

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