• Chapter 1 •

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I woke up to the sound of glass shattering from the room next to mine. My eyes immediately snapped open before I stumbled over to the other room. I pushed open the door to reveal Ma staring in shock at a broken glass plate that she had dropped. She kneeled down and started picking up the pieces gripping on to each one, not noticing me standing at the door way. That's when I noticed that her her hands had started to bleed. I rushed over to her and pried open her fingers tossing away the glass pieces. She cocked her head to the side and gave me a watery smile before burying her face in my chest her fingers curling around my shirt.

"Ma, it's okay," I assured, wrapping my arms around her, gently rocking her back and forth. I slowly ran my fingers through her jet black hair. I had gotten my mom's hair; Soft, jet black hair, curly and constantly messy. However, I had dyed my hair platinum blonde a few years ago and I still regret that decision every day. The only reason my hair is still the same colour is because mom loves it. And I would do anything for her, even if it meant keeping my shitty dyed hair.

I could feel her tears soak into my shirt as sobs escaped her lips. She slowly pulled away and looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"I was just trying to take the plate to the kitchen b-" she choked out, freely falling from her eyes. I cupped her face in my hands before planting a light kiss on her forehead, trying to calm her down.

"It's okay," I promised, slowly getting up. "Let's get you cleaned up shall we?"

Ma smiled at me before getting up with a short grunt. She leaned onto me for help due to her weak body. It was easy for me to support her thin frame. She stopped eating properly after what happened. The only way she would get any food into her system is if I force-fed her. Even then she would only eat a few bites.

I walked over to the kitchen table and pulled open one of the cabinets that had Ma's medications before grabbing a first-aid kit as well which I had prepared for accidents like this one. Ma was always careless with herself. It's as if she wants to hurt herself and I guess she did.

She had tried to kill herself a few days after the incident. I can't afford to lose the only person I loved. I had promised myself that no matter what I would protect her, even if it meant protecting her from herself.

I took out some disinfectant and slowly cleaned her cuts. Ma hissed in pain but didn't move her hand. After I was done cleaning the wounds I took out a bandage and carefully wrapped it around them. I planted a small kiss on it after I was done.

"Don't you have to get ready for school?" She asked, smiling at me. The wrinkles around her eyes looked more defined almost as if she had gotten older during the last few days.

I figured it was it was probably because of the moving process. We had moved from our old town to this one because her therapist had said that it would be better if she moved from the environment where everything had taken place since it was triggering for her. I didn't mind moving for her, I had nothing back there for me anyway.

"Yeah, I should go get ready," I said, my gaze flicking towards the clock. "Be more careful next time, okay?"

"I will, sweetie," she said, though her eyes were glossed over. I knew she wasn't paying attention to what I was saying. Her mind always wandered, it was scary to see the glazed look in eyes when she was.

I made my way to my room and quickly freshened up. I pulled on a random hoodie, a worn-out pair of jeans and some battered shoes. I didn't have any new clothes because Ma and I live off the money I get from small jobs that I work after school. In our old place, I worked in a bakery but I still haven't found a place to work here. I had some money saved up so we could get by for now.

I grabbed my old ripped backpack from behind the door before making my way to the kitchen. As soon as I stepped out the smell of freshly made pancakes engulfed me. A small smile crept its way onto my face but I was quick to suppress it.

No emotions, no pain.

Ma hadn't made pancakes since what happened. Maybe moving is working.

"Hello, dear," she said, sniffing, she must have been crying again. I walked over to her and slowly wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"You made pancakes," I said, pulling away from her before placing a few of the freshly made pancakes onto a plate. Since I had gone to the store yesterday and stocked up the fridge, we had a small bottle of maple syrup from the dollar store. I drizzled some on the pancakes and layered them on the countertop. Ma's eyes stared at the stove, her hand raising itself slowly. I pushed her hand away before she could touch the hot pan. "Ma!"

"Oh god, I'm sorry honey," she apologised, grabbing a fistful of her hair as she slowly backed away from the stove. "I don't know what got into me. I just. I don't know what's happening-"

"It's okay," I said, quickly switching off the stove and placing the pan in the sink, waiting for it to cool down. "Just, try not to do that that again, promise?"

"I-I promise," she stuttered, sitting down.

After that, the short joy I had felt, faded. She slowly ate her pancakes, her face blank once again.

We don't really use forks and knives cause Ma's old therapist had said that it could be a possible threat to Ma safety.

I quickly ate my pancakes said my goodbyes—which was met with a small smile—before rushing outside.

I grabbed my cycle from outside and pedalled as quick as possible, since I was already a couple minutes late. The wind brushed past my face, causing my hair to fall over my eyes. I tried to blow it off but failed. I ended up just ignoring my annoying hair and focused on reaching school in time.

We had managed to find a house next to my new school which was only a 15-minute walk and a 10 minute journey with my cycle.

Soon after, I stopped in front of a large baby blue building called 'Melden High' or as I like to call it, hell.

Hey Mystics!
Hope you guys liked the first chapter. I know it's kinda boring but eh. The rest of the chapters will be longer I promise.

Question: What do you think happened to Theo and his mom?

Thank you for reading!

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