• Chapter 6 •

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I splashed water on my face as I took in deep breaths. It hurt so freaking bad. Tears stung my eyes as I slowly lifted my head up and forced myself to look at the mirror. A strangled sob escaped past my lips when my eyes met the dead ones that were staring back at me. My eyes were bloodshot, my hair was a dripping mess and the large purple bruise that covered my eye was turning darker.

I hesitantly traced my fingers across the bruise causing me to wince in pain. I couldn't let myself break down. Not now. Not before basketball tryouts.

Why did this have to happen exactly a day before basketball tryouts? I wouldn't mind if it was on any other day but today, I can't handle it. My ribs throbbed and my stomach churned each time I took a step so how was I supposed to make through a whole hour of practice.

I took in a sharp intake of air before wiping my face with the hem of my jersey. I had already changed in the locker rooms before everyone else had come in so no one would see the bruises that were mercilessly littered on my body.

I placed my emotionless mask back on and walked into the school hallways. My footsteps echoed through the silent hallway. I pulled my hoodie over my head and buried my hands deep into my pockets.

I stopped in front of the gym door and let out a shaky breath. I can do this.

I pushed open the door and was immediately greeted with a few excited hollers and shouts. "Yo, captain's here!" one of the guys yelled. "He can decide whether or not this criminal should be on the team," another guy yelled and the rest immediately agreed.

My gaze shifted to the platinum-haired boy that was standing in the corner of the court, not seeming fazed by all the commotion.

I was very confused as to what was going on, sure, I had heard rumours but I wasn't going to believe them. People say stuff all the time, doesn't necessarily mean they're true or not taken out of context. The rumour that was spreading about him wasn't as small as someone cheating on another and that made it all the more necessary to not trust it.

One of my teammates walked up to him and shoved him against the wall curling his hands over the boy's collar. The platinum-haired boy's eyes filled with anger as he ripped my teammate of off him. "Don't touch me," he said in a low growl.
The rest of my teammates and some other kids who I didn't know that had probably come for tryouts surrounded him. Instead of cowering with fear as any sensible person would do, he simply glared at them his fists clenching. This is when I knew it was best to stop this fight before things got out of hand.

"Hey, guys!" I yelled, causing everyone to turn towards me. "Enough. You know how mad coach will get if ya'll get into a fight. Leave the guy alone and line up for some drills,"

Everyone shot him one last glare before doing what I said. Just then Coach Landon walked in and everyone immediately quietened down. Her blonde hair was tied up into a ponytail, her tan skin glowed under the gym lights and her brown eyes were narrowed at her clipboard. She wore her usual white tracksuit with some worn-out gym shoes.

She cracked her knuckles then scanned everyone that was in the gym. "Alright, everyone pair up," she yelled, clapping her hands together. "Quick, we don't have much time,"

Everyone immediately broke into collective whispers as they chose their partners. The only person who didn't move was the guy with the platinum hair. I remembered him from the party. He was the one who helped me. No wonder he seemed so familiar when I saw him earlier in the hallway.

"Grey, why don't you partner up with that juvie kid?" Coach asked, patting me on the back. I hissed in pain when her hand collided with my bruise on my back. I guess she didn't notice it but even if she did she didn't react. "The kid's got potential. He was apparently the captain of his old team before. So he could possibly be one of our good players,"

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