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Derek heard his other son cry out, wailing, hurting every werewolves wars in the house. He listened to their son's strong heartbeats before his ears focused in his mate.

Stiles' heartbeat was getting slower and slower with each passing second. Derek became frantic, running up the stairs three steps at a time, almost tripping before he opened the door to the room and rushed inside.

He lounged at Stiles, cupping his face. Derek's tears were falling off, landing on Stiles.

"No, no, no! Stiles! Please! Come on, baby, you can't do this to me! Please don't go...I can't lose you...I can't lose you. You're so strong, please! I can't lose you too..." Derek cried, clinging into Stiles. Stiles grabbed his hands, his grip was faltering as he tried to look up at Derek.

"I love you...I love you...I lo..." Stiles whispered, before his heart stopped beating. Mellissa, Cas and Deaton became frantic. Mellissa was running around the room, looking for the defibrillator. Cas had his hand on Stiles' head, using his mojo to close his wounds, and give him more blood. Deaton was trying to resuscitate him while Mellissa was looking.

"I found it! Everybody stand back!"She screamed, rubbing the two metal plates around to create static. Cas ripped his son's shirt open.

"Clear!" Mellissa yelled, placing the defibrillator on Stiles' chest. It made a loud shocking noise, waking up the babies. They started to cry as Stiles' chest arched quickly and fell back down.

"Come on Stiles." Mellissa murmured, rubbing the plates together again. "Clear!" she yelled, shocking Stiles again. His wings flapped weakly as his heart beat one before it stopped again.

Cas got to his knees and started to pray. Derek was a begging, crying mess, clinging onto Stiles in hope that he would awaken.

"Clear!" Mellissa yelled again. His wings flapped faster as his heart beat a few more times before slowing down and stopping again.

There were clouds forming in the darkening sky. Thunder rolled and lightning was forming, quicker than what was naturally possible. Lightning struck the Hale house, running through the wiring of the house, giving the defibrillator a little more kick.

"Clear!" Mellissa yelled a final time, just as the lightning struck the house. The defibrillator shocked Stiles so much, you could see white electricity running through his body, and into his heart.

Mellissa stopped, giving up. The rest of the pack filed in, waiting in silence. They looked at Stiles' limp form, staring and waiting for something to happen, but nothing ever did. Slowly, one by one, everybody lowered their heads.

"No! No, Stiles! Please...I love you...I love you so much..." Derek whispered, hugging Stiles. He nuzzled his mates neck, putting his ear right where his pulse should be.

His wings twitched...

His heart beat...



"Stiles?!" Derek yelled, pulling back and cupping his mates face. Everybody's head snapped up, staring at the scene unfolding before them.

Then Stiles arched his back, gasping for breath. He started coughing, his wings beating as fast as his heart.

"Oh my God! Stiles!" Derek sobbed, clutching onto him with every fiber of his being. Stiles stopped coughing after a few minutes, pushing Derek back, grabbing his face.

"Hey, Der." Stiles said softly, his voice hoarse. He leaned up to peck him in the nose, making Derek sob out a laugh.

He had been dead for 3, going on 4, minutes.

"I thought I lost you..." Derek whispered, crying onto his mate.

"You did, but I'm back now..." Stiles whispered, hugging Derek tightly. "...I'm back, and I'm never leaving you again..." Stiles cried, pulling back and kissing Derek desperately.

"Now, where are my babies?!" Stiles yelled, coughing harshly afterwards. Derek smiled, turning and putting Stiles back to his chest, just like he did when Luca had been possessed. He hugged Stiles from behind, gently wrapping his arms around his mates flat belly.

Cas handed Stiles Luca, the werebaby. Derek choked up when he saw his firstborn son for the first time. He had his own eyes and jaw, and Stiles' cute nose and ears.

"Derek, meet your firstborn son. He's a born werewolf, just like you." Stiles whispered sweetly at his mate. Derek smiled, gently touching his face.

"What's his name?" Derek asked, looking at his son.

"Luca Jonathan Winchester Hale."

"A-are you serious? A-after my dad?" Derek asked, looking at Stiles with shock. Stiles smiled and nodded, turning around until they were chest to chest. He handed Luca to Derek.

Derek hesitated, not wanting to hurt his cub. But when he finally held Luca in his arms, he never wanted to let go again. Derek started to growl lightly, comforting his son.

Mellissa handed their second son to Stiles, and Stiles saw him for the first time. Just like Luca, he had Stiles' nose and ears and Derek's jaw, but this boy had Stiles' freckles and his right eye was a warm, honey brown color, like Stiles, and his left eye was Derek's grey greenish color.

"He's beautiful." Stiles whispered, looking down at the blinking boy in his arms.

"What are you going to name him?" Mellissa asked gently. Stiles looked up at Derek, waiting patiently. Derek smiled, taking the invitation.

"Arian...Victor Winchester Hale." Derek finally said, smiling down at his son. Arian's wings flapped a little, shocking Derek.

"He has wings?" Derek said incredulous, staring down at his son. Stiles laughed, stroking them softly. They had cleaned all of the goop off of them, and now they were super fluffy, black and gold, like a little duckling.

"Aren't they cute?" Stiles laughed softly, stroking them. His wings subconsciously curled around their little family, surrounding them with warmth.

Isaac took out his phone and snapped a picture of the happy family, right when Derek and Stiles looked up at eachother, smiling brightly.

"Awwwwwww!" Erica screeched, still wiping tears away.

"Luca and Arian. Those are good, strong names." Deaton said, smiling at the couple.

"Luca, a Latin based name meaning 'Bringer of Light'...and Arian, a word frequently used in Bhuddism meaning 'noble', 'not ordinary', or 'pure', frequently used to describe a spiritual warrior or hero." Cas said, smiling down at his grand kids.

"They're perfect." Derek said, looking up at Stiles. Isaac moved closer, cautios, wanting to sniff the new members of the pack and scent them. The wolves of the pack all started to move closer, trying to sniff the babies.

Derek growled at everyone protectively, clutching Luca closer to his chest, just as Stiles' wings went up higher, fluffing up to make himself look bigger, clutching Arian closer. Stiles' eyes glowed gold while Derek's burned a blood red. Both of their natural instincts were kicking in.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, Derek, Stiles. We don't want to hurt you." Sam said cautiously walking up to the couple. Stiles wings froze at the recognition. They soon came back to their senses, letting everybody scent the pups, one by one.

Parrish stood awkwardly at the back of the room, getting ready to leave. He walked quietly down the stairs, opening the door.

"Hey..." Isaac called softly, from the bottom of the stairs. Parrish looked back, a smile on his face.

"Hey." he told the wolf, stopping and turning around slightly. The door was already half way open, Parrishs' hand resting on the doorknob.

"Why don't you stay for a little bit? Derek wants to talk to you." Isaac said, looking up the stairs. He started to walk up, not waiting for Parrish or looking back to see if he would follow.

Parrish stood in the doorway for a couple of minutes before closing the door and heading back upstairs.


I'm almost done with this story, but I want to change the title of it. Any ideas? Please comment!

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