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       Your point of view

       I arrived on top of a building with this bff stealer in front of me and Cat noir right beside me.

     Ladybug soon followed after and was right beside Cat. "Mh where's the akuma" Ladybug said out loud. "It's in her necklace" I replied. "I was talking to Cat noir" she snapped back.

      I rolled my eyes and pulled out my bow. "Just follow me" I pulled one of my feathers. I steadied it into my bow then shot the arrow into a building and used my zip line.

          I stood in front of her as Cat stood behind her and Ladybug on the side. Her minions started surrounding us. One of them had Cat noir held and a group was surrounding Ladybug.

          "Soon we will all be best friends but as of now I want Chloe" she laughed as we all struggled some more. "It's not going to get that far" I said confidently

       "Um what's the plan Lb" Cat said as they started to pile on him and reach for his ring. "Just give me a second Cat" she said trying to fight back the group. We didn't have time for that. Then it hit me time, I can control time.

I quickly took out my flute and blew a simple tone before the minions could start to attack me. Time began to slow. I quickly shot arrows that pinned the minions and snatched the necklace off. I threw it on the floor and crushed it.

      Time went back to normal. "Wh-What I don't understand" Ladybug said as she grabbed her head. "Quick Ladybug the akuma" Cat said as we saw the butterfly try to fly off.

       She quickly de-eviled the little thing. Suddenly my bracelet started to beep and birds on it started to disappear.

      "I didn't even use my lucky charm" Ladybug pouted "Yeah I didn't use anything either" Cat noir said. "I'm sorry I guess I got to excited" I giggled a bit. My bracelet started beeping again.

      "I really must go" I said getting out my flute. "Wait um good job and I'm sorry for my behavior" Ladybug said stopping me. "Oh it's totally cool but someone should talk to Sabrina" I replied looking at the girl.

      I gave a quick wink to them then blew my flute. Time started to slow as I shot my arrow to a building and zipped off.

I was back in the room in no time. "Phia wings down" the little kawami came back with a smile. "You were great out there you didn't even let her get close to getting a miraculous or Chloe" Phia exclaimed. "Thank you but as of right now we better get to class" I giggled as she nodded and flew into my purse.

We walked out and back to our classroom. "Well before all the excitement where were we" the teacher giggled out. "At the sitting process" I said with a sweet smile.

I wasn't really paying attention though I was looking around for Sabrina. I found her in the way back seat. "Uhm if you don't mind I would like to sit with Sabrina" I said full of confidence.

I saw Sabrina's eyes light up. I looked over at Chloe who's face had fallen into a scowl. "Okay go ahead" the teacher said shocked.

"Wow Y/n good impression already" Adrien said as I passed by him. "I caused her friendship to end it's the least I could do" I replied stopping to give him a smile. "Is that why we're best friends it's the least you could do" he said smiling. I shook my head and walked to my seat.

I sat beside Sabrina and was going to strike up a conversation but I stopped when I heard a big bang. Again another akumatized person. I looked around the room to see the blue haired girl banging her head on the desk.

I hope she's okay. I stopped thinking about her and turned to Sabrina. I started a conversation with her and the rest of the day went by smooth.

*Adriens point of view*

It was finally the end of the day. I walked Y/n to her limo. I gave her a quick hug and watched as they drove off.

I walked back up to Nino, Alya, and Marinette. "Seems like you got a crush on her" Nino said elbowing me as Marinette almost passed out. "No way she's just a nice humble friend" I said rubbing the back of my head.

"So she's a model too"Alya asked while helping Mari up. "Yeah she's really big in America and now Paris she's good at it" I said nodding.

"You have introduce us to her" Alya said as Nino nodded and Mari struggled to agree. I was going to continue but Mari interrupted me. "Crap I have to go" she said.

"Right behind ya" Alya said as she waved bye and walked off with Mari. Once they were out of earshot I turned to Nino. "Is it just me or is she acting weirder that normal" I said referring to Mari. "Yeah she is fudge I gotta go, I gotta practice my dj skills" he gave me a hug and ran off.

"Finally" I mumbled. I ran behind the school where no one could see me "Plagg claws out" I quickly transformed into Cat noir and flipped onto the rooftop.

I flipped and used my staff all the way to the Effilé Tower. I looked over the city only to see Avi sitting on a building close by.

I made my way to her and sat down. "What are you doing here kitty" she questioned. "I was feline a bit bored so I went for a walk" I smiled my dork grin. "A walk on rooftops"she asked looking at me.

I smiled "It's the cats meow" she rolled her eyes softly. "How many more puns do you have" Avi asked to which I ignored and looked at her. "What are you doing here" I asked. She looked me in the eyes then back at the city with a small smile.

"I don't think Ladybug likes me at all" Avi said playing with her bracelet. "What she just has a hardshell...pun intended" I said smiling. She laughed a sweet laugh and shoved me a bit "Cat I was being serious but thank you" she said looking at me.

I shrugged. Avi looked at the clock and stood up. "It's getting late I'll see you around kitty cat" she reached out and jingled the bell on my collar. I blushed a bit as she smiled and flew off.

"Bye Y/n" I mumbled "Plagg claws in" I became Adrien again with Plagg sitting in my hand. I gave him a piece of cheese and smiled.

"I can't believe Y/n is Avi" I said to him with a big smile. He swallowed his cheese and replied "You aren't suppose to know that I think Master Fu didn't mean to do it in front of you" for once Plagg said something smart.

I nodded my head "I'll keep it a secret and I promise not to tell Lb although she doesn't look like she likes Avi" I said standing up.

"Good idea Adrien" he said poping another piece of cheese in his mouth. "Yeah cmon Plagg claws out" I transformed and made my way home before my father noticed I still wasn't home.

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