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         Adrien's point of view

        We all walked into school with Alya telling us about her Avi blog. "And then she slowed time and helped trap in the wander it was so cool" I started to lose interest and wonder where Y/n went as we took our seats.

             A few minutes later she was smiling and walking hand in hand with some new guy. My normal smile twitched a bit but I tried to hold it together and turned to Nino.

"Dude who is the new guy he has killer headphones" Nino whispered. I just shrugged a bit. I turned around to face the teacher as she began to introduce him. I felt a bit of a pang as Y/n walked to her seat without smiling at me.

        "Class this is our new student Francis" the teacher said excitedly "Now is there anyone you want to sit near" she asked looking at him softly. He nodded his head and said "Y/n"

             The teacher nodded as he made his way up to her. I felt a bit of jealousy but it was so weird I've never felt it before well besides that one time with Ladybug and the copycat.

I shook my head and payed attention to the rest of class. Once it was over we all walked outside to the court. Me, Y/n, Alya, Marinette, Nino, and Francis. We were all laughing and talking although it looked a bit like Francis and Y/n were in their own world.

We keep laughing and joking around until Sabrina knocked Y/n down. She keep running as she screamed "Chloe is coming back from New York today"

I was going to help her up but Francis beat me to it. "Let me help you up amour" he mumbled as she took his hand. "Thanks" she said laughing. "I didn't even realize Chloe was gone" Marinette said making me turn towards her. "Yeah and I haven't seen Lila in a while" Alya added.

Huh that is true it feels like when Y/n got her everything has calmed down and slowed to a good pace. Then it again it could be hawkmoth getting use to her powers so he can attack fully.

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and went back to laughing with Nino. Soon we had to go home and our separate ways. Eventually it was just me and Y/n.

She is the only one my father will let me hang out with, mostly cause of the way she acts and how she shows her model behavior.

We walked to the park laughing as she told stories of actors and models in the U.S. We keep walking until we crossed paths with someone who looked like they were being rejected. The girl threw the man's rose down and stomped on it.

Crap I thought as I saw an akuma come closer. I looked over to Y/n who has the same look. We both had to transform but she can't know I flirt with her as Cat.

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