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Cat Noir's point of view

"Oh kitty you're so cute" Ladybug said as she rubbed my ears. I almost purred until I remembered it was an act.

I grinned at her "Might I say bugaboo you're spots are cute" I replied giving her a wink. I reached for her hand and held it.

Once upon a time this would've been a dream come true for me but now it just felt weird. I can't believe I'm over her.

"Holding hands pft well love is just a big thorn in the butt" The rose said as he shot thorns. A few were so close to my tail that I forgot Avi was here.

We keep running with him following us. We stopped when we heard her flute slow time. All I could see was a flash of blue then she was beside me with ladybug catching the akuma.

"How did you do that" I asked with a dorky grin. She just laughed a bit "Sorry kitty cat I gotta keep some things secret" she said turning away from me and high fiving ladybug.

                 She turned back to me and ringed my bell. It made me blush in just the slightest. "I uh" I stuttered out as she giggled. "What Cat got your tongue" she laughed as she flipped off somewhere.

         I looked over to Ladybug and gave her a fist bump. She will always be my number one hero I thought as she went off too.

             As I sat and daydreamed it hit me that Y/n is still at the park. Crap. I quickly made my way back to the alley then ran to where I saw y/n looking for me.

"Are you okay supastar" she said checking me over. I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah are you" I replied as Y/n just blew it off.

We started walking again until I struck up a conversation. "Sooo did you see Avi she's kinda great huh" I said looking off into space as we walked.

I heard her laugh a bit. "I guess she's okay I like Cat more than her" she said. I tried to hold down my blush but a few specs of red popped up. "Ya know I still can't believe you got him to visit me" she laughed almost jumping up and down.

"It was no problem really" I replied. I was gonna keep talking until I heard a swarm of screams. "AGHHH ADRIEN ANDD Y/N" some fan screamed as a swarm followed behind them like a wasp hive.

"Shall we get going" I asked Y/n as she nodded frantically and started to run with me. We ran down the subway, out to the Effilé tower and then to my house.

We walked in to be greeted by my father. "Adrien and Y/n why are you out of breath" he asked sternly. I was gonna tell the truth but Y/n got to it first.

"I took Adrien on a run sir I want to keep my partner in great condition" she said full of confidence making my father smile a bit. "Such a great person see Adrien stay with her instead of those bad influences you call friends" he said turning to me.

"Of course father" I nodded as he went into his office. I quickly took Y/n's hand and walked to my room before he could tell me to practice something.

                    I sat on my couch as she sprawled out on my bed. "So we didn't finish our conversation" I said bring back up the whole Avi and Cat Noir thing. "Oh yeah I'm a fan of the ki-Cat" she said correcting herself. "Good" I smiled.

                  We started talking about random things but Y/n seemed to be in a different world than me with a worried look. She yawned and gave me a tight hug. "I'm sleepy I think ima head home it is getting dark" she said giving a lose hug now.

               I nodded and watched as she texted Antonio then left.  I sighed a bit it felt so good to have a normal day with her.

               "Y'a know you should ask her out" Plagg said while eating cheese. I pinched my nose close and walked over to my bed ignoring the statement he said. "Good night Plagg"

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