< trente - deux >

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                  Your point of view

                     I hopped out the shower and dressed quickly. "That was quite the work out huh Y/n" Phia said as she ate a seed.

                  "Tell me about it I feel like I did it twenty times" I huffed as I plopped onto my bed. I was gonna fall asleep till I heard three swift knocks at my door. My balcony door at that.

          Phia quickly went to hide as I got up and opened the door. There in front of me stood Cat Noir. "Hello rose" he grinned at me.

            I walked out onto the balcony and took a seat as he walked the railings. "Hey Cat whats up" I asked him softly as he sat down.

              "That girl" he started off a bit jumpy. I nodded my head softly. "... I tried to be casual and stuff but I don't know what to do it's not working" he mumbled glancing at me.

            "Well Cat I think you can get her you're a great guy" I smiled at him. He smiled back then leaned over and plucked another rose then handed it to me.

                   "Get some sleep rose" he smiled handing me the rose and flipped off into the night before I could even say goodnight.

                I walked back in and placed the rose down next to the last one he had given me. I think my crush on him had worsened. I puffed out my cheeks and collapsed into my bed. I instantly fell asleep.


                       *Adrien's Point of View*

      I flipped off her balcony and over to the roof of her house. I know I know. It's creepy but I'm sure she was sleep.

I sat there for some minutes. This crush was nothing like Ladybugs. This one is worse. I sighed and stood up Mari is a love expert she knows what to do.

I flipped over to her balcony and knocked on the window twice. She slowly opened up. "Yes..Cat?" She questioned while rubbing her eyes. "I need your help" I said dramatically.

She took a seat in her patio furniture and looked at me while I balance on the rail. "It's a love problem" I muttered embarrassed. "Wow the dark kitty has love issues" she teased with a soft smile.

My cheeks heated up a bit. "Heyyy watch it" I pouted and looked off. "I'm just teasing you, what's the issue" she asked sincerely.

"Well she doesn't even notice me in the way I want her to I guess" I replied thinking of me and Y/n. "Mhh I guess we'll need a plan" Mari said smiling.

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