< trente >

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         A/n~ I would like to apologize in advance for the wait for you guys twelve updates my Wattpad  froze and my quotev kicked me out, I lost that password. I felt cursed for a minute, I sincerely appreciate those of you who have stayed~xoxo


Adrien's point of view

I stepped out and walked into the gym. I looked around and saw Y/n already punching the punching bag with her hands wrapped up.

She was in a sports bra and leggings. She looked stunning as she continued to practice. She stopped and looked over at me.

I set my bag down beside, which I assume, was her bag and headed over to her. "How's it going superstar" she smiled showing off her model smile.

God is my crush on her getting worse. I try to flirt with her as much as I can when I'm Cat Noir but Avi seems to make me melt instead of the other way around.

                  "Hey Addy" Y/n said as she waved her hand in front of my face. "Huh lets start shall we" I said jumping back to regular me.

             "Uh okay the trainer is right over here cmon" she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a strongish but short guy. "Addy this is Levi" she said happily.

            I waved at the man who just took my hands and started wrapping them. "Both of you outside and around the track four times go" he ordered causing me and Y/n to walk outside to the track.

             We started to jog and chit chat. "What do you think our next campaign will be" I asked her as we kept jogging. "I dunno maybe karate or something athletic" she replied.

             We ran for a solid thirty minutes until the whistle was blown and our trainer walked us back inside. Y/n was panting heavy and doubled over.

                I chuckled a bit and took a sip of water. "Cmon Y/n we aren't over yet we still have a lot to do" I told her encouragingly as I passed her my water bottle.

                She took a sip and handed it back. I placed it in my bag then walked over to the punching bags we were assigned to.

                   We were handed gloves and taught to punch the bag properly. This went on for a bit. Until it was time for us to go home.

              We thanked him and grabbed our bags then walked outside. Both of our drivers were there so we didn't get to have our usually waiting talk.

                I watched her walk to her driver after our sweaty hug then got into the car. Pftt my crush is getting worse I think.  We arrived home quicker than I thought and I immediately ran upstairs and took a shower.

         I walked out in my pajamas to Plagg stuffing cheese down his mouth. I was drying my hair as I looked at him. "I'm shocked your power isn't to eat" I chuckled.

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