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Every life has to end eventually. Be it sooner or later. But Shu Ning really wished his life would have rather ended later. Being in the prime of his youth, he still had a lot of plans to make his life more interesting. And dying in such an ungraceful way by falling from a bridge wasn't part of it.

Shu Ning has always been the popular type of person. With his slender figure, his upcurved pheonix eyes that could even melt hearts of ice, the straight nose and pink lips that smoothen out the sharp manly features of the boy and made him a really charming demon. Because of that he had a lot of admirers. Both girls and guys. He himself never cared about the attention he got  by just walking down the streets but that didn't mean that others didn't care about it. 

Especially women were often jealous of him because they felt inferior to him because of his appearance and their boyfriends attention that was always automatically drawn to Shu Ning.

Shu Ning always knew that women could be really vicious so he tried to keep his distance from them all his life but in the end he still couldn't escape their wrath. So one day when he was just on his ways home from his part time job he stumbled across a group of teenage girls at the top of a bridge. Shu Ning wanted to walk around them but they deliberately moved in his way, their arms folded across their chests. After a while one of them, probably their leader, stepped right in front of Shu Ning and fiercely glared at him.

"Shu Ning! You won't get away with that arrogance of yours anymore. You actually dared to seduce our boyfriends. It's all your fault that I was dumped."

The boy just raised his eyebrows at her words and stayed silent.

"Cat got your tongue or what? Now you aren't so courageous anymore. Hah. Know your place you bastard." The woman next to the leader called out and stepped closer to Shu Ning.

'I really don't remember ever seeing those girls before.' Shu Ning really didn't know how he got himself cornered by a group of girls all of a sudden even though he hasn't flirted with anyone lately. He was ways to busy to play around all the time. But he was to lazy to explain himself so he just rolled his eyes and tried to push through that group. But of course they wouldn't let him leave just like that. The leader grabbed him by his collar and pushed him against the railing of the bridge angrily yelling at him.

"What's with that attitude of yours? Girls, lets teach him a lesson."

"You really have too much free time. What i have seen of you so far really makes me wonder how you even got a boyfriend in the first place." Shu Ning swept his eyes over the group and then pushed away the hand that was still holding his clothes tight.

"If you are jealous just because your guys got attracted by me then you should first look at yourself before pushing the blame on me. Then you would have noticed the actual problem allready. I give you a hint.... The problem isn't me."

The boy could clearly see their anger flashing across their eyes. The leader clenched her fist and started trembling from rage. 

"YOU.... YOU BASTARD!" The ugly expression on the groups face was the last thing the boy saw when he felt a shove on his chest and then suddenly lost his grip on the railing. It was just a short fall. He didn't even have the time to process jet what was happening or widen his eyes in shock when he landed head first on the street passing underneath the bridge. 

Shu Ning felt his consciousness gradually drift away. Even the noise of screeching tires and the clamor of approaching people seemed a distant away from him. His limbs grew numb and the coldness was seeping into his bones. Shu Ning knew that his death was drawing near but oddly enough he wasn't afraid or restless at all. His nerves were calm and the last thought that occupied his mind before he finally closed his eyes was 'Why do I have to die in such a shameful way? I hope these boyfriends I supposedly seduced are at least good looking or it would be to disgraceful.'

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