Ark 2 - low IQ

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Shu Ning sighed in relief after stepping out of the reception room and lingered for a moment longer in front of the closed door until the stinging feeling behind his eyes lessened.

Shu Ning: "God. My eyes hurt. How can those servants stand all that glittering gold? I was only inside that room for a few minutes and I already have blinking spots dance in front of my eyes. Poor Sun Zhilong. I deffinitely don't want to be in his shoes right now."

Alpha: "..." 'Did Host forget, that it was him who brought the Man here? Maybe he should take some skill for his memories next time.'

The System's body flashed in the color of deep yellow for a secont before going back to normal but Shu Ning was too busy rubbing a hand over his aching eyes to pay any attention to it.

Shu Ning: "Well, no matter. Let's go and look around a bit."

Thanks to the General's assistance, the halls and rooms inside of the villa were all thankfully deserted and gave Shu Ning the possibility to freely snoop around without disturbance. That would mean, that he could finish this faster than anticipated and the thought of getting out of that building just a second sooner was a wonderful motivater.

Unfortunately, the villa was very very big and most of the rooms didn't interesst Shu Ning in the slightest, so after ending up in practically every room he could think of without finding the one place he wanted to end up at and wasting precious minutes for nothing, he finally decided to let the System guide him through this labirinth.

Alpha: 'Maybe a skill for his sense of direction would be helpful as well.'

After taking a few turns to the right and left, walking up two flights of stairs and down one and passing through a couple of doors, Alpha successfully found the location of Zhou Feng's chambers.

After walking inside of it, Shu Ning almost let his chin drop open in shock.

It was the largest room Shu Ning has seen so far and he actually didn't think that was possible after knowing about the reception room. But here it was. A chamber as big as a football stadium. With a king sized bed in the center of it that could easily fit ten people, with the wall on the right side being covered by a bookcase filled with romance and martial arts novels, With the rest of the walls hung with posters on antomy, poisones plants and torture devises and with a massive wardrobe behind the bed that could easily fit another king sized bed inside.


Shu Ning didn't know how much more time he would get through the General, so he quickly pushed away any further thoughts about the interior of the room and instead went to work on finding anything helpful to his missions.

After looking around the neatly organized room once more, Shu Ning made up his mind to start searching the bookcase on the right side of the room because after closer observation, he noticed some smaler objects fit in between the novels.

Most of them were transparent vials with colorful solutions inside. Blue, green, red, purple and yellow. All stuck between two books of the same color as if to hide them in between. Very badly hidden though, because they could be plainly seen if you just walked past the bookcase.

Shu Ning carefully extracted two of the small containers and inspected it more closely. But without a lable, it was nearly impossible for him to guess at it's content.

Shu Ning: "Have you ever seen something like this? It looks more like colorful water. Can you analyze it?"

Alpha: "Yes, of corse. Do you think those are poison?"

Shu Ning: "Don't be ridiculous. No one is stupid enough to harbor poison in plain sight."

Shu Ning put back the two vial from where he got them and continued his way along the bookcase until he stopped right next to the womans wardrobe.

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