Ark 1 - Beware of the snake

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It's been already four years since Shu Ning entered into the body of Meng Yi and in his opinion it was going really well. Not only did he manage to get all the attention of the two men of the Sheng family, and with that managed to get Sheng Xi mad with jealousy while she wasn't able to touch him anymore, but he also got closer to Fan Li through the tutoring.

In those few years that it took him to get the threes affection, Shu Ning also sorted through Meng Yi's memories bit by bit until he found out what caused his step mother to despise him so much to even want to kill him and how he knew about the Female Lead. 

Meng Yi was just an unlucky kid that was way to friendly and naive for the world. The child stumbled upon the past of the Female and Male Lead and later found out about Sheng Xi's plans. So because the boy knew too much and tried to hinder Sheng Xi's plans, the woman needed to get rid of him and started mistreating him to make him timid and afraid of telling on her until the wretch could end his life without it seeming strange.

After Shu Ning read through the world's plot again, that he had gotten from Alpha, he saw the information in a totally different way. Nothing of it was like he initially thought and the real victim had always been Meng Yi. Shu Ning already figured it out a while before but after having all the puzzle pieces together now, he could finally start the last part of his plans and take sweet revenge on behalf of the little child. 


"Finished getting ready? The first guests have already arrived."

Shu Ning turned away from the mirror he was mustering himself in and caught sight of his elder Brother leaning against the wall of their room. 

"Yes. Done. What do you think?"

Today was Meng Yi's sixteenth Birthday, so the boy chose to wear a tight fitting black suit that neatly encased his slender frame and had his black hair combed and fixed back on his head, showing of his youthful face.

Sheng Su had never seen Meng Yi dressed in a suit before, so he was quite surprised in the sudden change of appearance of the other. But instead of finding it weird, the boy's serious demeanor looked ethereal beautiful.


More then that, the Man wasn't able to say with how dry his mouth was starting to feel. An awkward silence settled between them while the older wasn't able to pull his gaze away from the other's Body.

After a few more minutes of just staring at each other, Sheng Su forced himself to wake up his dazed brain again, that had ceased Funktion sometime in between. To escape the embarrassment of reacting that way, he spun around and just threw a "Then come down" over his shoulder before hurrying down the stairs to mix with the party guests, leaving a secretly smirking Meng Yi behind.

Shu Ning watched the retreating figure of his Brother in amusement before following him down the flight of stairs and into the noisy living room. Multiple heads turned in his direction when he entered through the door and Shu Ning was only able to recognize a few of the invited guests. One of those was a young woman in a long purple dress and long hair put up in a high bun.

"Fan Li."

The girl smiled widely at the approaching youth and a small blush covered her cheeks in embarrassment.

"Meng Yi. Congratulations. You are finally sixteen. How does that feel?"

"Thank you. I'm glad that you could come today. But turning sixteen doesn't feel different than normal."

Shu Ning took the other's soft hand and guided her along to the couch on the side of the room to sit down and talk. The couch was pushed to the outer wall of the living room before the party began, so from there the youth was able to overlook the entire room and could see all the people within. 

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