Ark 2 - A soldiers roar is greater than a lions

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The sound of clashing steel and the screaming of exhausted soldiers rolled over the lively batelfield while more and more groups of Sphinx washed over the courageously fighting humans that were still standing steady with determination as they faced their certain doom.

It has already been hours since the soldiers took up their weapon in the early morning and multiple days since the begining of their suicide mission, so it was no surprise that even with all the positive thinking they could muster, after being constantly subjected to the sight of their dying comrades all around them even the strongest fighter started slowing their movements in despair as there didn't seem to be an end to their war.

"Keep it going. After this wave of Sphinx we will have a little break to regroup again."

Suddenly, in the midst of all the yelling and splutter of bodies and blood, a cold and monotonous voice floated steady and strongly over the heads of the heavily panting fighters in the field. And even though the whole battlefield was loud and chaotic and everyone was busy defending their own life, the sound still determinately carried itself into the ears of every human present in the war as if the person spoke right to them, injecting the tired soldiers with a load of chicken blood as the hope they got from hearing their captain's words ignited a new flame in their hearts. 

General Sun was standing in the middle of the battlefield, slashing his sword through the arm of the Sphinx right in front of him while stepping back half a step to get out of the way for the razor sharp claws that were about to slash through his back. Another one of the creatures appeared in the spot of their dead friend and the man speedily raised his sword to stab it into the wide open mouth of the enemy. With the precise and fast movements of the General, more and more of the dangerous creatures fell dead to the ground, giving some of the surrounding soldiers time to breath. 

In this manner Sun Zhilong continues to charge over the battlefield from left to right while forcing his sword through the limbs of the Sphinx in quick succession, bringing down each and every one of the monsters he attacked without letting his strength or speed drop at all, all the while keeping an eye on the rest of the area for any unforeseen development.  Luckily such a situation didn't occur though until the wave of Sphinx slowly died down because of the steadily increasing sand in the air from the blowing wind that worked to cover the Sphinx senses. 


The black shadow of a person with a high raised sword could be seen running through the thickening sand of the wide field while loudly calling for the General. But because of the strong wind and the scattered corpses of the sphinx, the person seemed to have trouble finding who he was actually searching for.

"Captain! Captain!"

Sun Zhilong calmly pulled out the sword that was still piercing through the chest of his last enemy and wiped the green mucus on his military pants before lifting it into the air, just like the yelling person, and calling towards him.

"Liu Chen."

After waiting for a few more minutes, a muscular man with short, disheveled black hair and the same army green clothes appeared in front of the waiting Sun Zhilong and hit his left fist against his right chest in greeting.

"Captain. The Sphinx have pulled back because of the sandstorm. It is estimated that we have about five hours before the storm dies down."

"How many casualties?"

"About 8 thousand sir."

Sun Zhilong frowned in thought when he heard the number of dead soldiers from his Vice Captain. 

When their team was send to Samadon in the beginning, there were about fifty thousand soldiers divided into fifty small teams. But now, not even a week later, the number of still standing people have already been reduced to one third.

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