35• Childhood Love

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-/-/• Recap •/-/-

- Mia's POV -

I unleash another set of sobs as I clutch my chest as though if I held it tight enough it would put all the pieces back together but my downfall is interrupted by a snap of stick.

" Mia? "

-/-/• End of Recap •/-/-

My eyes widen at the sound of the persons voice, by now the tears have nearly dried up completely and my eyes that were once wet were now burning with a blaze of pure and utter rage.

I jump up from where I sat, with what feels like lighting shuttering through me. Never before have I been this angry and by the look in the persons eyes who stands before me - they have never seen me this pissed either.

I lunge for them, tackling the person to the ground - pinning them in a matter of seconds. My eyes are wide with fury and all I want to do is scream so loud that I'll make their head explode.

" THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! " I yell, sinking my nails into their arms. Their face cringes from the pain, and as the blood begins to rise from the persons arm, tears start to fall from my eyes again.

" Mi- Ah! " I sink my nails deeper into their skin and they let out a distressed yelp. " HOW COULD YOU?! " I cry, and though I may be blinded by the flames that lay in my eyes I can't help the slight pang in my heart from hurting my once best friend but the fire burnt louder and more furiously than anything my heart could even do so my childhood friend, the only one who I knew would be there for the long run was now a monster in my eyes, the one who turned my life upside down.

" MIA! Please ! Just listen ! " the monster cried.  The beasts screams echo through my ears and as if it was instinct i release my hands from its arms.

I look into it's eyes and reminisce about how captivating they once were, their green orbs that once radiated an aura of peace and determination now shows nothing but cruelty and greed.

" How could you! " I sob, still on top of the creature I bring my hands to my face swiftly rubbing the tears away, now refusing to even look into that things eyes as it hurt to much.

" Mia.. Please..it's me. " I cry louder, trying to drown out the monsters voice.

" It's Eren, it's your Eri remember?. "  

My eyes grow wide and my voice becomes nothing but a distant breath.

" I- I'm sorry I kissed you. " he admits, his eyes drift downwards and I can practically feel the pain that resides behind them. I'm angry yet confused and the conflicting feeling that swirls in my chest is enough to make me want to pass out.

I try to open my mouth to say something -anything for that matter but alas no sound comes out. I'm not speechless as I know there is plenty to say but still I can't seem to find the words.

" Please, say something. " Eren begs and as much as I want to I just can't.

" Fine, then just listen. " Eren sits up, making me fall onto the dirt and as I sit in a state of what could only be described as awe, I stare at him unknowing if what I feel is resentment or happiness to see that determination that had drawn me to him so long ago.

" Mia, I'm sorry I put you in this mess.  I never meant for that. I never wanted to hurt you. " Sincerity rang through his voice and though my heart was desperate to forgive him, my mind told me different - It told me to hate and so I did.

I sit up and brush myself off, I furrow my brows at the boy with a sense of pure anger taking over.

" but I did it for a reason. " I race towards him, raising my fits but he puts his up in defense- giving me a less of a chance of hitting him in the face.

" Mia, " I shoot my fist and it lands on his jaw, making him fly to the ground and while he cringes from the pain, I ready myself again.

" Just wait! "  He pleads and I throw my fist at him again but just centimeters apart he speaks.

" I love you! "

Those three words. Three simple words and it was enough to make all my fury float away.

"  I'm in love with you. " He says again. My heart races so fast that I can hear it. I don't know what to think, nor what to say and everything feels numb like the air had shrunk up.

" And god do I wish that I knew my feelings for you sooner so I didn't have to hurt you now but if I never told you it would of eaten me up inside. "

Silence accompanies the tension that fills the air and each breath I take feels tense and stiff and all I wish to do in this moment is disappear.

" Mia, you're everything to me. " he says, walking closer to me.

" s-stop. " I command, distancing myself from him.

" Mia, when I saw you smile for the first time after your parents died - I swear it made me the happiest man alive. " he continues, ignoring my order.

" Eren. Stop. " I say, confidence filling my voice.

"  I don't know what I'd do without you.. " he walks closer to me, and frustration takes over.

" Stop! " I scream blasting Eren into a tree. The woods that once stood,  now were nothing but leaves and twigs.

Pain rushes to my head as the blinding ringing that I've grown to know so well took over. Blood runs down my ears but Ignore it as I scrunch up my fists.

" I said stop. "

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