77• Prison Cells

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With an ache coursing through her spine, Mia awoke. Her eyes flickered open but met no light. The room she laid in held an everlasting darkness, daunting her with every breath she took.

She tried to pull herself up, but was met with the rattles of her chains that kept her feet and hands at bay.

Mia pulled on them, praying they'd somehow loosen but to no prevail. Her cheeks grew red as frustration boiled deep beneath her skin.

And as she attempted to open her mouth and call for help, she found herself unable to. A gag withdrew her from muttering a word.

Fear rode up her spine, replacing the pain that once coursed through it. She tried to find a sliver of light, anything to see just where she was, but it was pitch black. Darkness consumed her.

There was nothing to hear nor see, other than the sound of nearing, heavy footsteps.

Mia rose her head, crossing her legs on the cobbled floor. She prayed it would be Levi, there to rescue her but she knew his footsteps from a mile away - and these did not belong to him.

A soft gold hue grew from the corner of the room, illuminating the face of the approacher. The light flickered within the green of his eyes, and narrowed on his frown.

"Never thought I'd see you in chains again." He smirked, recalling the day of the crystal caverns.

Eren looked her up and down. The bruise around her neck from where he had choked her, edged with shades of brown and red.

She struggled beneath her restraints, her jaw tensing as she tried to speak again. But all that came out was muffled cries of anger.

Eren dropped the lantern to his side, his eyes softening as he viewed her. He loathed what he had to do more than he could despise anything else but his choices had been predetermined.

He shook his head, and buried the warmth he felt as he looked at her.

"Given up already, Mia?"

She looked up to him, her eyes tired. Eren entered her cell, and removed the gag from her mouth.

Mia took a heavy breath, "What's there to give up on?" A soft smile plastered her frown, "There was nothing to fight against in the first place. Right, Eri?"

He glared at her. "It's Eren. Not...that."

"Well, It's been Eri to me for the past nineteen years-" She looked up at him, and he stared back. The warmth that she held hadn't left like the others had. Mia still viewed Eren how she did four years ago.

And how he wished she hadn't.

"-And it still is."

Erens lip quivered, but his eyes only grew darker. He growled under his breath. Frustrated by how unfair this had all become.

"So, are you going to unchain me and we can actually talk about what you're doing or am I going to be in your little 'time out' spot longer?"

He shook his head, "You're not going anywhere."

Mia groaned. She pondered using her ability to release herself from the chains, but the prospect of fighting Eren wasn't one she'd dwell on.

If she did break free, Mia knew there'd be an inevitable battle between her and Eren. And if that happened, it would prove what everyone thought.

That the Eren everyone knew had ceased. And Mia could never let that happen. She shook her head, wiping away the furrowed eyebrows and shallowed eyes and replaced it with a smile.

A smile Eren knew far too well.

"How am I meant to pee, Eren, tell me that. If you dare say I'm using that bucket in the corner, I swear I'll awake Annie just so she can beat your ass again."

Mia grinned wider, stifling a laugh as she awaited for Eren to follow but, he didn't. His eyes narrowed down on hers, and his hands clenched into fists.

He cursed himself for having come into her cell. In the moment, he couldn't even fathom why he had, it was as if his feet had a mind of their own.

And yet Eren understood. He had for years. He'd always find his way to her, not even by choice. Even if she didn't look for him in the loneliness of the night, he had- he always had.

Eren only wished that for once it was different. He wished that he could keep away. If only Mia didn't make it so hard.

Her smile that laid upon her face, enlightened all the hope in her eyes without even the need of the lanterns light. And it only angered Eren more.

"Relax. It was just a joke, Eren. Have you been hanging out with Levi or something?" Her grin deepened into the corners of her lips, and worsened the frown on his.

"None of this is funny, Mia."

She furrowed her brows, "Why not? I'm just trying to talk to you, we never do anymore-"

Eren groaned. He ran his hands through his hair, and placed them down on Mia's shoulders; pushing her back against her chains as she winced.

"You were supposed to be dead." His voice deepened, "Why the hell would you come back. Why did you have to make this hard?"

His knees buckled to the floor, as his hands slowly dropped. Mia stared at him. Her heart weeping as his face contorted into streams of agony and utter frustration.


"-Stop calling me that. Please." He whispered. The light of the lantern, that now laid on the floor, dwindled with each word he spoke.

"Let me help you." But Eren shook his head.

He looked back up to her, but evaded her eyes. "There's nothing I need help with. Just stay out of my way. That's all I came here to tell you."

Eren got up, turning away from Mia. She pulled against her chain, hoping to be free once again.

"You can't stop me, Eren. I won't believe what they say, you hear me? I'm not going to quit."

The room was silent, and the remnant of light reflected onto Mia's distressed face, leaving Eren to bathe in the dark.

"Why won't you quit?" He yelled, but Mia heard every inch of anguish beside it.

She looked at him, her expression dim, "you never did."

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