52• The Last Night

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Y'all 13 k reads whoosh wtf, love you all thanks so much and Eoenidne sorry I've been gone for so long but like school is hard and ya girl needs to do well :)
But I'm back now !

So let's start the chapter ~

—- After dinner -—

" You're an idiot Eren. " i sigh, carrying him outside along with Armin and Mikasa.

" I-i can't believe you didn't stop it.. "  both Mikasa and i share a glance, this idiot has the nerve to get into a fight and blame it on us?
We should of let Rod eat him, honestly.

" Eren. You always start things with Jean and you're both too STUBBORN to give up. Godsake, Levi had to stop you two."

Eren drops to the floor, sighing under his breath as he knows fully well that I'm right. I take a seat next to him followed by Armin and Mikasa doing the same.

Silence fills the air, but yet, it's never been so comforting. So normal. I don't remember the last time It has been all four of us together and well.. somewhat happy.

Mikasa lifts her scarf up again, covering the brim of her chin.

" When we retake Wall Maria, and defeat all our enemies... can we go back? "  my eyes fall to her, growing soft and remorseful.

" back to those days?" Images begin to flash through my mind of the days spent having fun and not having a single care in the world — for me, literally. It was so much easier back then, so much more.. warmer. Probably because I didn't fear for my life everyday.

But I'll be honest. I love my life how it is right now. Others might disagree, probably most as nearly everyone has grown so much more.. solemn. But I? Even if it means having to risk my life every once in a while, it's worth it. Because I get to be with everyone here.

I'd love to go back, but could I bring the others too? Because if I can't, then I don't wanna go. Not at all.

" We'll bring them back.
Still.. some things are gone forever. And they'll have to pay for that. "

" Yeah.. " I whisper, my knuckles curling into fists. Armin shifts next to me, his breath slightly tickling my cheek.

" Thats not all.. " he starts " The sea. "

And even in the darkness of the night sky, my eyes gleamed at the mere mention of the sea.

" Remember? A giant lake filled with so much saltwater the merchants could never collect it all. " by now I'm practically shaking with excite, a grin growing larger and larger as my mind wanders forth.

" YEAH!! Remember guys?! Eri, you promised you'd take me so I can draw it ! And now I have paints too ! "  All their eyes softened, especially Erens as he places his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently.

" But Mia, there's more.. The titans aren't the only things outside the walls.. burning waters, land made of ice, snowy plains of sand. "

I feel as though I'm living a dream, all the possibilities of what could lay outside are endless and just the thought.. of burning waters? I mean what does that even mean? I've never felt so intrigued. So eager to venture outside.

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