68• Take her Home

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After all this time, she was alive. The girl who swore she could never follow an order, had kept the only one he ever cared to give.

His heart ached to call out her name and to hold her again but, he knew he couldn't. Instead, he'd have to face her.

But Zekes orders rang throughout her mind, and soon Levi would find out that he'd die trying.

They stared at one another, both their glares empty and shallow. Though, they each held different intentions.

He wanted her home, she wanted him dead.

Mia raised her foot, using her power to surge it to her heel. But, as she slammed it down, dust flying everywhere, two corpses didn't soar with it.

That same zipping noise flew behind her, and as she whipped around, she met Levi carrying Jean.

He exhaled, knowing it was too close. She had gotten faster with her attacks, and he wasn't sure whether to feel proud or nervous.

" Ha. So you are fast." And apparently she felt the same.

The two, again, began their stare off. He was reluctant to fight her, even despite the opening he had.

She, even through her years of training, still left herself vulnerable. And while she stood there, knuckles cracked and bruised, he dropped his shoulders.

" Come with us." He spoke, " I don't want to hurt you."

A warning, it may be. But, in truth, Levi just couldn't bear the thought of laying a hand on her.

" I'd rather die than be with you."

The words seemed to spew out her mouth before she could stop them. Mia didn't know if she meant it, her heart was still working against her and seemed to try recoil her past every time she looked at him.

But she knew, she knew that she hated how his eyes seemed to sink, and how his frown only furthered.

As it depicted him perfectly. This was the man she drew, and he now stood right in front of her.

" Last time you did." He dropped Jean off his shoulder, standing in front of him. Levi drew out his blades, breathing in.

It would be hard to seize her, and even harder to fight her. He was humanities strongest solider but, she was the exception to the rule.

At least that's what she'd assume. Her eyes drowned with iniquitousness, her lips dripping with the thoughts of what she's do. She knew from Eren that Levi was supposed to be her boyfriend, and how she's soon use that to her advantage.

He dashed towards her, and she couldn't even utter a breath before he had her pinned to the floor.

" poor choice."

She sucked in her breath, and before she could scream he had already moved away. Perhaps she was mistaken but, then again, he did leave Jean all alone.

She got up on her feet, charging towards his unconscious body and raised her hand. " I'll kill him too then."

But just as she slammed her hand on his chest, Levi took Jeans place. He grabbed her wrist, meeting her eye just as her palm met the flesh above his heart. 

" I'll kill-"

" No, you won't."

The two stayed silent, refusing to look away. It was a risk he had took but, he knew he'd never regret it.

Not just for Jean but, as he looked into her eyes and saw that same wavering blue, he knew it would be okay.

His Blondie still resided beneath the terror that had forsaken her. And he'd see her again if it be on his last breath.

The power that would have annihilated Jean, now ceased at the touch of Levi. Perhaps it was true, that you should follow your head rather than your heart.

But at times, your heart decides for you.

She rued the moment, her own conscious had outmatched her.

And as the pain spiraled its way back to her temple, she knew soon she'd cripple.

" I will." And as she clutched at his shirt, teeth strongly gritted together, he still never let go of her hand. He couldn't.

" Then do it. Kill me." She went to slam her other fist down on to him, the black, harsh lines scarring her cheeks.

But, instead, all that came out was a desperate gasp. She couldn't, not with the way he looked at her.

He looked so at peace with holding her again, looked so full. As if an angel stood before him, even if it were truly a devil.

She had taken the sun when she left, and for once, he was able to bask in the warmth of the new light.

So, if she'd take his life, he'd let her. At least then he'd know her promise to be true. But, either way, they both knew his fate wouldn't be decided today.

" I can't." She dropped her head, shoulders slumped. Mia let go of Levi, but he held on to her.

" I'm taking you home." His hand moved from her wrist to her palm, their fingers entangling half heartedly.

She wasn't sure why she allowed him to do so but, her head spun too much for her to ponder it further. Her knees buckled underneath her, as he neatly caged her in his arms.

" No...no...Zeke-" she whispered, her voice slowly fading out, " Zeke is my home."

He shut his eyes, dreading what she had said. It pained him, in a way that never could.

" You're going to hurt me, let me go to Zeke, let me go to-" more zipping sounds infiltrated the air, the arrival of the other corps resting behind her.

" Is that...." Mikasa's voice faded out, she couldn't believe her eyes.

" Let me go!" And though she wished for her scream to shake the earth, it merely released as a desperate cry. Levi couldn't bear to look at her, the way her eyes filled with tears reminded him too much of the day he first lost her.

" No. Now stop being a child." He signaled for Mikasa and the others to apprehend her, but he suddenly stopped.

And with his eyes bearing worry, the others halted too.

" Let me go."

Black had marked under her eyes, turning even her blue irises a barren grey.  The rest of the color drained from her skin, and the memories of that day replayed in his mind.

She smirked, a narrowing, harsh smirk. She was seconds from shifting, as she dealt with the battle between fighting or surrendering.

Levi didn't know what was going on and he couldn't move. He wasn't sure whether to fear for her life, or his own.

But, his decision was made as Mikasa plunged her sword deep into her chest.

The others screamed out but, Levi couldn't. He merely watched in horror as he relived her death all over again.

But, what he didn't expect was steam to emit from the wound. The color returned to her eyes, and slowly melted its way into her skin.

" A shifter."  Was all they could mutter, as Mias world faded away, leaving Levi as her last sight.

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