55• I'll be fine

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Woah 17 k reads, this shit is crazy. I never even thought this would get a 100 reads and now... geez guys, thanks so much.

I hope you all enjoy the chapter -


" What are we waiting for?" I ask, my eyes unwavering from the beast titan and the others that accompany it. I wait for an answer but none comes. There's nothing but silence and fear encapsulating every free space.

Growing irked, I grip at my sword. I want to fight, I want to kill. Waiting is only slowing this whole battle down. Levi notices my blood crazed state when his hand grabs my wrist, holding it rather roughly.

" Wait for your orders. " I roll my eyes, pulling my arm away. " Levi, the longer we wait the longer they can strategize an attack. If we go now while they're still planning, we could — we could, " but even I know my plan is at fault, I'm beginning to sound like Eren or what Jean called him ' a suicidal maniac '

" Erwin, Reiner is approaching. " my eyes move away from the beast and towards the armored titan, slowing making its way to the wall. My heart begins to accelerate, the overwhelming sensation that something will go wrong returning.

Reiner then hardens the skin on his hands into a point, I gulp hard already understanding his plan. He begins running towards the wall, burying his hardened skin into it and beginning to climb.

" Everyone! Do not engage with the armored titan. " Erwin commands. Knowing Levi will be no use, I turn to Eren — both our faces masked with frustration and annoyance. We speak a silent agreement to pester Erwin as to why no order has been given.

" Sir! Why has no attack order been given?" I match my stance with his, nodding along to his question.

" Eren, Mia. He's watching the enemy move. " I groan, looking back to the beast titan and noticing something...odd.

" What the fu- " a titan on all fours...carrying cargo? I look up to Erwin, seeing as how he's been silent for so long, he must have some clue as to what lays before us.

" It's intelligent. There could be more as well. " Suddenly, the beast titan raises it's arms up, smashing them down on the ground.

And then, they all began to run.

... towards the....horses. No. I pull out my blades,reading to flee towards them but a hand resting on my shoulder decides otherwise.

" Wait. " Levi commands, but I pay little attention. The titans, they're going to kill the horses, then that would mean... our escape route as well as our supply route will be abolished.

If they kill our horses... we're doomed.

" Squad Klaus, Squad Dirk and Marlene defend the horses with your lives! " Erwin yells, while the three squads scurry off.

" Squad Levi and Hange, take down Reiner. " my lips curve, a mischievous smirk playing on. This will be fun. I had been aching to kill him ever since I found out his true identity and he attempted to kidnap me.

Now it's my time.

And like I told him before, nothing can stop me.

I begin to walk with Levi when Erwin interjects, stopping him. " Levi, i need you to stay here." I furrow my brows, distasteful of Erwin's command.

" And not protect Mia and Eren? " I look between the two, refusing to go with Jean who'd been waiting for me to accompany him.

" No. I need you to stay here and help defeat the beast titan."  The feeling returned. As when I look at the beast titan and at Levi... I couldn't help but feel that the match that would occur..isn't very fair.

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