17-Being Bitten

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Damn, the alpha blood has gotten to you.

Over the past three weeks, Juliette has improved in her wolf abilities. She can now run as fast and as long as Romeo. She’s as strong as Romeo. She’s as quick as Romeo. Hell, she could probably beat Romeo in any contest now. 

Juliette shifts into her human form as Romeo does the same. She runs over and hugs him. He picks her up off the ground and spins her around, laughing all the way. “Congratulations, your training is over!”

“Finally!” She groans teasingly. “Now I’m a true werewolf.”

“Yes you are,” He replies, swinging an arm around her neck and planting a kiss on her hair. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you, Romeo. Without you I wouldn’t be able to do it.”

That sends a surge of satisfaction through him. “You’re welcome, Jules. Come on, lets head down to the diner to celebrate.”

The two hop into Romeo’s old truck. Headphones long forgotten, they turn up Paralyzer and sing to their heart’s content. When they reach the diner, they slide into a booth and order two cheese burgers and two Sprites.



“We need to talk and you know it.”

She gulps. She’s been avoiding this talk for three weeks now. Ever since the kiss at the ceremony, he’s been itching to talk about it. She’s the complete opposite. Juliette’s been avoiding it like it’s the plague. If he brings it up she’s long gone.

“Okay. What about?”

“You know what about,” He responds seriously. “You can’t just kiss somebody and then ignore it. Not in my book, anyways.”

Julie sighs, “What do you want me to do about it?”

“Jules, you cannot just kiss me and leave me hanging. That’s not fair. You’re being a major tease, for your information. And Romeo Ross does not like teases.”

“I’m sorry!” She blurts out. “I didn’t mean to kiss you! It was just…so…tempting, okay? I didn’t mean it!”

“It’s going to keep happening, Juliette,” He sighs. Shit, he called me by my name. He means business. “I heard that, Jules.”

“I knew that…”

Trying to fight off the smile on his face because this is a serious matter, he shakes his head. “Mates are suppose to be together whether they like it or not. We’re going to be attracted to each other and it‘s going to get more intense if we‘re not together. Can’t you just give us a chance?”

Being BittenWhere stories live. Discover now