Chapter 17

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They say dreams are trying to tell us something. And that some of our dreams are part of who we are.

Since I've been involved with vampires, the dreams I used to overcome when I was little came back and haunts me.

Last night, I had a dream. I found out that thing inside the white cloth was a baby. The woman with the short raven hair placed the baby on a magic circle with a big star at the middle. The edges of the star has small circles placed with candles at the center. The woman placed her hand on top of the baby and began to chant something. Her hand glowed. There were streaks of yellow, blue and red colors coming out from her hand and as soon as she finished chanting the colors disappeared.

She poked the baby's nose and whispered, "there, you'll be safe. They won't be able to find you."

And i moved across the room to face her and i was petrified. I don't know if I should believe in what I saw but i'm pretty sure i know that face very well. Those green orbs, reflecting the earth's beauty, and that warm motherly smile which she shows me to lighten up my day.

But why? What is she doing? Is she showing me all of these? Is she in danger? What was her relation to the mother of that baby? And my mind was filled with questions that I wish I could ask her.

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My stomach began to hurt. Something was moving, burning, churning, i felt like I was stabbed by a sword. It was so painful that i could feel my insides burning up to my throat. I felt heavy for a second but immediately felt light as if something was lifted from me. I rolled from my bed and fell on the floor. I flipped left and right trying to suppress the extreme pain that was trying to kill me. It feels like something was awakened and was flowing through my entire body. My head was throbbing and my heart was hammering, my ribcage felt like it's breaking.

I screamed.


I felt something warm was touching me but it didn't make the pain go.



I felt my flesh was tearing apart. My stomach continued it's complain and i felt like there's a knot that was twisting my insides.

I closed my eyes tightly then as I let out another loud scream, i felt my energy leaving me lying on the carpet. I was shaken...someone was shaking me but i cannot see and I was starting to feel numb until my eyes went shut and everything became calm.

Third person...

He waited anxiously for his friend to finish checking her up. He was so scared when he saw her in pain. He could feel some part of it and it also affect him. He looked at her who was sleeping peacefully as if nothing bad had took place.

It took the three of them to stop her. She was so strong that Argus was sent flying towards the balcony, breaking the glass door creating some cracks on the railings.

He was sure it was not his blood. It can't make her do that. It can heal, but it won't make her as strong as vampires unless she'd become one. Yes, they had almost completed the bond without knowing it but it was not what made her suffer this morning. It was something else. Something that seemed to be affected when it was mixed by his blood. Was her body rejecting his blood? But, if it does, then she would probably had thrown up the moment she tasted it but it didn't happen. So what is wrong?

She gently opened her eyes and scanned her surroundings then looked at Lucas then to the man who was sitting beside her. She looked confused at him.

"It's okay. I'm Luc's friend",he smiled as he took out his pen.

"Do you mind if I ask you some questions?",she nodded.

"How long had you been suffering this?",he asked.

There was a moment of silence before she spoke but coughed and Lucas immediately took a glass of water towards her.

"Since last week.",she said her voice was hoarse.

"Do you remember what day it is or what happened that day?",he asked again.

"I was recovering. There was an accident the day before that.",she stared at the ceiling.

Upon knowing what she meant, he nod at her answer. "How does it feel?"

She looked at him and then to the blanket. "It hurts.",she paused. "My stomach burns. My flesh tearing apart.",she closed her eyes. "Something was disturbed within me."

"Are you saying something was awakened?",he confirmed scribbling on his notebook.

"Sort of.",she answered pulling the blanket closer covering her neck. "It was unbearable.",a teardrop fell.

The man looked at Lucas seriously, his lips pursed.

"Okay, that would be all for today. Get some rest. I'll check you up later.",he then left the room and closed the door gently.

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The night was calm. The moon was hiding behind the clouds. It was cold but it doesn't matter, they were always cold.

Nocturnal animals were busy looking for the perfect prey that would fill their empty stomachs and so were they. Their eyes roamed on their surroundings, the forest was the perfect place to blend in to. Their footsteps were light, their breathing steady though their mind was racing filled with excitement as if they were drugged and going crazy for a kill.

They're getting closer and their smile widened when they saw the place they'll be having fun with.

"Oh, this is gonna be a long night!",he growled, his body was shivering feeling the eagerness of being able to kill. He really can't wait to go inside and surprise them all. He grinned at the thought.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?",his friend smiled flashing his sharp fangs. While the other one growled gripping the branch of the tree tightly ripping it with his claws.

"Let the fun begin!",and they all disappeared into the shadow going inside their destination.

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