Chapter 24

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"What do you want!", Lucas snarled.

"Oh, relax princey. It's not you, I swear.",he smirked taking one step at the staircase.

"Leave her alone! She is not a part of this!",Lucas stepped back holding Monique tightly.

"Just following orders.",he simply stated while he shrugged. "Now hand her over to me",he ordered looking sternly at Lucas.

"The hell would I do that!",he stared back at Odnam.

Odnam shook his head in disapproval. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You're always making things difficult Lucas and that is why people around you keep you want history to repeat itself?"

Lucas was taken aback by what he said. He knew what Odnam meant. "H-how...",that was all he could say.

"Oh? Ybel?",he sniggered looking at Luc's horrified expression. "That poor nanny of yours?",he took another step. "She was so kind and that's the reason why she died. She died protecting a family of pathetic."

"It was you...",Luc whispered. Now the puzzle was completed. Everything happened just because of power. "It was you and your king"

"That's right!",he snapped his fingers then faked a smile.

They were living a simple happy life. Ybel took care of him and treated him as her own son. She was the sweetest human he ever met and she was the only one who knew who they were and yet she never judged them as evil monsters, she welcomed them and served them.

"Oh that delivery boy was too easy to convince. After I told him about your family, after we faked the omen in that town, rumors spread faster than we expected! Those foolish humans! So naive, so easy to fool!",Odnam said with a hint of excitement as he spoke.

It was that night when he heard people shouting outside their house.

"Kill them all!"

"Get rid of the monsters!"

"This is all their fault!"

He looked down on his window and saw all the townsfolk standing outside the doorway bringing torches and other sharp objects as weapons.

"Look! Up there!",a woman shouted gaining all the attention of the townsfolk and all of them looked up to his direction.

"There's that little monster!",another shouted as he stretched out his hand throwing something which looked like a lamp towards his window.

He immediately backed away from his window.


As soon as the window broke, fire spread throughout his entire bedroom.

The door slammed opened when he saw his nanny, Ybel, sweating and panting which immediately rushed towards him, wrapping him with her loving arms.

"There, there. It's alright.",she comforted him.

They immediately went out of his room. The ran downstairs and just as they were about to reach the living room, it was already on fire. The woods were cracking as the fire rose higher burning everything it comes across. The whole house was burning, it was hot and the air was filled with dark smoke which was suffocating.


The door went flying when some men dressed in a farmer's clothes barged in bringing a rake, a shovel, an axe and something which looked like a spear.

"Stay behind me.",Ybel ordered pushing Lucc behind her with one hand gripping his arm.

"Hand that monster over to us Ybel!",the oldest of the five men said pointing his rake towards Ybel.

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