5. Confrontation

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[ edited 2nd Dec 2015 ]

The last time I remember coming to Los Angeles was when I was seven. 

That summer, dad, who I had really thought to be my biological father, had just told us to pack our things that morning, and flew us to the land where princesses lived, or that's what I believed back then.

We went to Disney land that day and I really got to meet all the princesses. Both of my parents looked happy, taking turns going on rides with me.

Dad took me to meet Sponge-bob, one of my heroes and I got to take photos with him, which is still on my dresser back home.

"You want a cone, Lexi-Boo?" dad had asked as we were heading back towards mom, pointing at the ice-cream truck parked not too far away.

"Yes. A cone! A cone!" I remember having exclaimed with glee. "I want a strawberry one. That's what a princess likes."

Dad let out a chuckle. "Yes, you're right. And you're our princess honey. Now, why don't you run to your mommy while I go get us a cone each?""

I nodded, anxious for that cone. I saw mom, and ran to her. "Mommy! Mommy!" I grabbed her hand, trying to get her attention. "Daddy said he's going to buy me a strawberry cone, because that's what a princess likes!"

Mom never said anything, didn't even look at me. Instead her attention was directed at a tall man standing in front of her, whose gaze was glued on me the entire time, his mouth agape and his eyes wide open.

"Is... is that... is she m-my..." he never once looked away from me. He stared at me in awe as he looked up and down at me. He was looking at me like one looked at a priceless jewel on display, with curiosity and wonder.

Mom tugged at my hand, pulling me behind her and hiding me from the man's view. "No!" she said, her voice as stern as the way it always got when she told me to go to sleep when I wouldn't. "No, she isn't," he voice quivered slightly. "I... I lost that child."

Finally, the man looked back at her. "You're lying. She looks just like-"

"No, she isn't, Flynn!"

"Babe, what's going on?" Finally dad came back, holding three cones. I jumped up, trying to grab my pink cone.

"Gimme, gimme Daddy!" I tugged at his shirt, moving away from mom in the process.

"She looks just like me!" the man exclaimed and grabbed my hand. He turned me around and looked into my eyes with an almost pleading look. "She has my eyes. You're lying!" He touched my face, slowly, softly as if I was a fragile little thing. "She... she is-"

Mom pulled me back. "No, she doesn't. She's not yours, Flynn."

"That's right," dad agreed. "She's ours!"

"How'd you lose the baby then?" The man asked mom.

"I don't have to answer to you. Last I heard from you was a signed check from your mom telling me to get lost!" Mom was really angry. She grabbed me. "We're leaving now! Don't follow us Flynn! You don't want another scandal, now do you?" She turned around and walked off. Dad followed us soon after.

"You never told me that Flynn Mathers was her father!" dad exclaimed as soon as we got into the car.

Mom was in tears now. "Would that have made a difference?"

Dad looked at me. He didn't waste a second when he replied, "No."

"Would you have accepted me if you knew that I was carrying his child?"

Dad shook his head. "No, I'd still love her as if she was my own. I still do and I always will, till my dying breath."

I was seven. It didn't take me long to grasp what they were talking about.

Dad wasn't my dad. That man was.

I felt lost.

The strawberry ice-cream that princesses liked melted in my hands, the creamy goodness sticking to my fingers.

I wasn't who I thought I was.

That was the last time I had ever felt like that. At least until now, looking at the scene before me.

James was in the embrace of another woman, his face buried deep into her neck as he kissed her like there was no tomorrow. The sound of moaning made me feel like throwing up the delicious blueberry muffin Marie had baked this morning.

I felt lost. Again.

What was happening? Of course, I knew what was happening. But how? Why?

James wasn't the person I'd thought him to be. If anything he was the complete and utter opposite.

It seemed like I knew more about that cranky guy from before than about him, my boyfriend of six months and friend of years.

James was too lost in their session that he still hadn't noticed the door open and me standing there, watching them. The girl on the other hand had noticed, the light from the corridors, blinding her.

Her lust induced blue eyes rested on me, before she gasped and pulled James to cover her. "Do you mind?" she snapped, her voice muffled from behind James.

I glared at her. "Do you mind, you're shacking up with my boyfriend?"

James finally turned his attention towards the door, shock lit his eyes before fear.

I glared him more harshly than the girl. "Ex-boyfriend," I corrected, before turning around and slamming the door behind me and on them.

Ten steps away from the door, I heard it open again and the scurry of footsteps before, "Alexandria!"

I hurried my steps, tears streaming down my face in a downpour.

What am I doing? The jerk wasn't worth my tears. He wasn't worth me making up the elaborate plan of surprising him, flying over to Los Angeles of all places on my own dime and about to say the L-word! Screw you James Mangy!

"Whoa! Hold on there, short stuff!"

I turned around, slapping the person, thinking it was my asshole, and as of a couple of seconds ago ex-boyfriend.

"What the Fuck!"

I wiped my tears away and looking up to see the guy from before, the one who had told me that James had been having flings with every girl here. His hand cupped his cheek where my hand had flown and struck him a look of surprise frozen on his face.

"I'm so sorry, but..."

His expression changed instantly when he noticed the tears that were on my face. His brows furrowed together in worry. "I was right, right?"

I nodded, just as I heard James call out for me again. He was close.

"You need some space?"

I nodded again even without knowing what he really meant.

"Okay, I'll buy you some time." He turned around walking back the way I came. "Oh, and I'm... sorry. I mean it," he added before walking away.

The next second I heard, "Mangy! I need your help directing the..."

I didn't waste another second, I hightailed it out of there faster than a kid running for ice-cream.


Follow me on my SNS accounts for teaser chapters or you wanna ask me a question.

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website : http://ehlkayy.weebly.com

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email : lqkaloucava@gmail.com

Rushed (Hate at First Flight #1) ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora