9. The 1234 Compromise

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dedicated to gracieeee_21 for the comment  - made my day btw ... HOPE YOUR MOM DIDN'T GROUND YOU MORE :D


[ edited 2nd Dec 2015 ]

Have you ever had that eerie feeling that you're in a soap opera or that you're starring in your own version of Keeping Up With the Kardashians?

Or have you ever thought that life was having a poke at you, hoping to get an entertaining show?

Or even that you have that moment where you feel like everyone is watching you, waiting for you to make that critical decision which decided on whether you were going to get that happily ever after or whether you'd be living in the dumps with nine cats?

No? Well, I wouldn't exactly say that I've had all three of those scenarios happen but at that moment as I watched Sir Jerks-A-Lot strut (I have no other word to describe his catwalk manner of walking) towards me, I was experiencing the first scenario.

It seemed to good to be true. It seemed staged like your own episode of KUWK. I was just waiting for the director to yell CUT! and for Sir Jerks-A-Lot to disappear... again.

But there was no CUT! and the guy was still there. Yes, he was walking towards me.

And there came the second scenario. Life was giving me a reprieve for all the suffering I'd experienced since I stepped onto this accursed city, by handing me the jackass himself in black leather and designer jeans. Because this would be my happily ever after.

Not the fact that I pictured myself with the demon spawn but because I will finally be attaining a replacement for my phone, which is my happily ever after. After I get the said replacement, I'll be venturing back to sweet ole home and look for a summer job, even if it was bagging groceries in the nearest 7/11.

I met him halfway, blocking his path. His shaded eyes were on the ground, a pair of Beats earphones in his ears, music blasting.

I stood there for a minute and still he was not looking up. I guess the ignorant baboon expected me to move so he could carry on his conceited way. But I didn't.

He must've been one of those, actually no. I knew he was one of those type of guys that were rich, spoilt and expected everyone to bow down and worship the ground they walked on. And at this very moment, that thinking was on full display.

He didn't even think to walk around me. No, I had to be the one who walked around him.

Selfish,conceited, monkey faced jackass!

Finally, slowly, he pulled out the earpiece in his right ear and looked up.

I couldn't tell if he recognized me or not because the shades hid his eyes, of which the color I had yet to discover.

"Is there a problem, babe?" The words were silk as he said them.

So, he was a babes type of guy. The guy that went around calling anything of the female gender babe.

I glared at him sharply. How could he not even recognize me? We sat next to each other just a couple of days ago! "You owe me a new phone," I replied.

"I owe no one nothing," he smirked.

"Yes, you do," I gritted out, "and you owe me a new phone."

"I don't think so sweetheart." He slipped his right earpiece back in.

I tugged it out. "Yes you do, you conceited prick!"

He scowled. "Okay, I'll play. Why do I owe you a new phone?" He looked at me impatiently as he chanced a glance at his Rolex,brows furrowing together.

"You broke my old phone when you ran into me at the airport."

"Which airport was that? Incheon? Heaththrow? Nadi? Specify would you. I'm in demand and so, I've been everywhere."

Conceited, arrogant son of a-

"It was just four days ago, which airports have you been to since then?" How hard was it to remember?

"Incheon, Nadi, Heaththrow, Canada, Christchurch..." he answered, smirking.

I sighed, before relaying the name of the airport. "We were on the same flight here. I sat next to you! Alex, remember?"

"Oh, so you were that girl."

The way he said that girl gave me the foresight that he didn't really think highly of me. That was perfectly alright. I didn't think highly of him too.

"Yes, and for the millionth time, you owe me a new phone."

He chuckled. He actually flipping chuckled.

"I don't see anything funny in that statement."

"You're different," he commented, looking me up and down, but not in a sexually appraising way, more like in a what-species-are-you way. Not a compliment in any way.

"And you're a A-Hole. Glad we got that out of the way, now new phone?" My patience was wearing thin and right now, I was pretty my flight's boarding time was nearing.

He leaned into me, just as his phone rang. He didn't bother to pull back as he answered. "Yes, I was on my way when I hit a ... roadblock," he replied into the phone.

A roadblock? I guess you could call a girl blocking your way and demanding a new phone a roadblock.

A scowl formed on his face. "Yes, I know the departure is stalling because of me. I'm going to be there soon. Tell the pilot I'm sorry and give them VIP passes to my next show. Yes, that one. I'm trying to resolve it, Parker. Fine," he hung up.

I looked at him, brow arched. "You're stalling a plane?"

"Yes, because of you some people are going to be late to Sydney." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Okay, let's compromise. I have to run, literally run because I'm running late..."

"But my-"

"I know, I know. You need a phone. I'll give you one of my spares. I'll be out of town for three days but meet me at the Starbucks at Fifth Ave on Saturday then we can solve this whole mess, okay?"

I was about to reply and correct him when he cuts me off, "Good." He digs around in his bag and pulls out an iPhone 6, tosses it at me and tells me the pin: 1234.

Is he stupid, or what?

"I'll see you there, babe," he smirks. "Don't be late. Be there at 10 or you're not getting a new phone, okay?"

Before I could even protest and mention anything about my flight back home today, he's literally racing through the crowds towards his flight.

Now what the hell am I gonna do now? I now had two phones and I really didn't know what to do with the one he just gave me.


Follow me on my SNS accounts for teaser chapters or you wanna ask me a question.

instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ehl_kayy

website : http://ehlkayy.weebly.com

twitter: http://twitter.com/EhlKayy1D

email : lqkaloucava@gmail.com

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