27. The Contractual Order

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[ edited 8 Dec 2015 ]

Filming was a calamity for the next week.

Dylan didn't dare approach me and when he did it was only in his character, Ethan Clarke. And even then, our scenes were not what they used to be. It was tensed. And this was not the best of times to be tensed. We were filming scenes where the two characters were getting along greatly. And people noticed. Rumors started about our hatred for one another. Some even said that I'd switched out Dylan's toothpaste for dye, or that it hadn't been an accident when I tripped yesterday.

Sad to say, we filmed a scene about ten to fifteen times and usually finished off late into the night, almost eleven or twelve midnight.  The director was apparently not joyous over the new development.

"What is going on between the two of you?" He snapped after filming we'd filmed Scene 33 about ten or eleven times. Everyone was understandably exhausted by now as filming had started at four thirty in the morning and now it was eleven fourth in the evening.

Dylan and I shifted nervously.

"Well?" He looked at Dylan, expecting an explanation. "What happened?"

Neither of us answered.

"Everything was going well," he continued, his tone getting darker. "But lately, you guys are all over the place!"

"I'm sorry sir," I apologized, averting my eyes from his.

"Don't bloody apologize!" He snapped. "What happened!"

We both retreated into our silence.

"Fine!" He stood up. "You leave me no choice then."

We stared at him, cautious. This didn't sound good.

"Dylan, get your things. You're moving into Alex's apartment tomorrow."

"What?!" We both screamed out in unison.

"Dylan's moving in with you Alex!"

"What? No!" I stared at him, incredulous. Was he serious? I was shocked he could even think of doing the insanity.

"Yes," the director stared me down. "The studio's paying for the apartment."

"Then I'm moving out," I concluded.

"No, you're not. You stated in the contract that you would do anything that is within reason the studio says in order to fulfill your duties."


"Need I remind you breach of contract is now two hundred and fifty thousand?"

I glared at him. I hated him now equally as I did Dylan.

"I'll be more than happy to pay the breach," Dylan began.

"No!" I snapped. "No one's paying for the breach." Even if I had to sell a kidney, I wouldn't let him pay for it.

"Then it's settled." Declan smiled at us. "Dylan, move in before tomorrow morning."

"But, it's already eleven." I said.

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