19. The Couple Lie

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[ edited 6 Dec 2015 ]

Dylan Gregory Rush aka Sir Jerks-A-Lot had a secret obsession. Actually make that two secret obsessions.

One, he loved to drive like he was a formula 1 driver. Two, he secretly obsessed over my demise. Put the two together and you'll get me trapped inside his Aston Martin screaming for my life as he ran a 80 in an 65 zone.

"Slow the car down!" I shouted. "Better yet, stop! Stop the car! I'm getting off! Stop the fucking car, you pompous, deranged idiot! Stop it!" I couldn't shout loud enough.

He brushed me off with laughter.

"Dylan Gregory Rush, stop the bloody car right now, or I'm gonna wring your neck!" I watched the speed, waiting for my threat to register in his blasted mind so he could slow down.

But he didn't. In fact, as if to spite me, he sped up even more. Luckily no one was around, driving or walking for him to crash into. Heck, we hadn't seen anyone for five minutes now.

"I don't want to die, asshole! Especially not out here, god knows where and especially with you." I tried to pin point any landmarks to gather where we were.

The car slowed down a bit.

I stared at the speed.






"Fine. Fine," he said slowly, his eyes on the road. "We're here anyway," he added before putting on his left traffigator to turn into a road.

"Where is here, by chance?" I asked. I didn't recognize this place. But then again, how could I? I'd just come to this place two weeks ago.

"A quaint town, just a little bit out of the city limits," he answered.

"How much is a bit?"

"Thirty minutes."

"Thirty minutes?? We only have an hour break!"

"Which is why I drove really fast," he replied as if that was a reasonable reply. "It only took us fifteen minutes," he added after checking his Rolex.

"You mean to tell me," I began, glaring at him, "that you nearly made me a statistic for over speeding just so we could get here on time?"

He paused, pondered over that for a moment before he said, "I guess so, yeah!"

If only murdering someone wasn't illegal. But then again, maybe they would actually consider it a service to mankind if I got rid of arrogant ass over here. I might even get the key to the city.

"You do know we could've gone to any mall in the city, right?"

He nodded. "Yes, but..." He turned into a parking lot.

"But?" I didn't bother to look at where we were.

"But then everyone would recognize this," he gestured to himself. "And I didn't think you wanted to spend your hour long break after filming and being stuck in that place for seven hours, getting mobbed and chased by my fans, now did you?"

Rushed (Hate at First Flight #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now