20. Unchaste Kiss

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[ edited 6 Dec 2015 ]


I kept walking even though I'd heard my name being called out loud and clear.

My current state?

Eyes: wide eyed and confused.

Hair: Terrible mess.

Hands: Sweaty and red from slapping the jackass on the cheek.

Sanity: Long lost.

As soon as I'd gathered my devices and realized that the monster that I'd sworn to hate for the rest of my existence was kissing me, and not in a chaste way too, I'd pulled away and landed a hard slap on his cheek.

The kiss was as I said, not chaste.

It had started of slow, both of us still shocked, then he'd actually had the audacity to place his hands on my face and holding it in place as if it was fine China before he started to move his lips against mine. All that time, I was still having an out of body experience wherein I didn't know what to do or hadn't quite fully graded what was happening.

Then after the slap, came the shocked expressions on everyone's faces and the gasp. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of there.

And here he was actually hunting me down.

"Aleeeex!" He called out again.

I chanced a look back and saw he was hot on my trail, about ten steps back.

"Alex! I can... I can explain," he said.

Explain? Seriously? What explanation would deem what he did back there worthy of my attention?

"Where are you going anyway?"

I continued to ignore him, heading for the exit.

"It'll be hard getting a ride home, Alex."

Well, he was persistent.

"I'm being serious here, Alex. Besides we got thirty minutes left. I suggest we go grab something to eat then head back before Declan has our heads on a platter."

I stopped short. Thirty minutes? Noticing my hesitation my stomach growled loudly, reminding me of its' hunger.

"Come on, Alex. Please."

For the sake of my hunger, I turned around. "Fine," I nodded. "After an explanation and an apology."

He nodded. "No one can know we came here together, and you were basically about to spill everything."

"Why can't anyone know?"

"Rumors are gonna start. And for the sake of you and your career I didn't want any of them to start. Besides, Declan doesn't want anyone to know about you until we're well into the shoot."

I nodded. "And you couldn't find another way to keep me quiet?" I arched a brow.

"I'm sorry I panicked, okay? Besides, if I'd placed my hand on your mouth, I'm pretty sure you would have bitten it off."

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