7. get to know me

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✧༺♥༻∞Day 5∞༺♥༻✧

Namjoon is biting lightly on the end of his pencil, squinting his eyes a little to read the letters on the page.

"No offense Namjoonssi... but do you maybe use glasses?" Hoseok ask him softly, studying his pupils.

"Erm... what makes you say that?" Namjoon ask, seeming a little nervous about the question.

The truth is, hybrids can see any deformities or signs of sickness in their partner, before humans would ever be able to know they are there, but Hoseok can't tell him that, he can obviously see the problems in his eyes.

"You keep squinting your eyes" He reply calmly, watching the other rub his face.

"Erm yes... I don't really like my glasses... my girlfriend doesn't either... so I never actually wear them.. and I lost my contacts"

"I bet you look good in glasses! Just put them on so we can get something done" Hoseok Tease him a little, making Namjoon calm down.

He reach into his backpack and get his thick framed black glasses.

He sigh a little and give in to just putting them on and get this over with, we only had a few days left to finish the project.

They continue working for yet another hour, easily wrapping up their project a few days in advance.

"Wow your extra homework at home, really made this go fast" Namjoon laugh, looking at the Hybrids hard work.

"We are done already!"

"Well want to just talk then?" Hoseok suggest.

"About what?"

"Let's Play 20 questions!"

"As you wish, only because you worked hard" Namjoon give him a simple dimple smile, making Hoseoks heart flutter.

"Okay first question... Favorite colour!" Hoseok chopped happily.

"Must be Black!"

"Black is Not a colour" Hoseok Laugh pushing the younger playfully.

"Now it is! What is yours then"

"Mine is Green... Green is the colour of hope and I like to be a hope to people" Hoseok smile softly.

"You succeed very much at that with your happy attitude... well my turn... if you had to live in a movie, what movie?"

"Harry Potter! As a wizard!"

"I am joining you on that one" Namjoon nod in agreement.

"One place you would like to see?"

"I want to travel the world" Namjoon admit, Hoseok can almost see stars in his eyes.

"I would love that too"

The two boys chitter and chat for hours, getting to know each other more than ever, things Hoseok would never have imagined was hidden in the boys past.

All Hoseok is sure of was that he loved Namjoon.

From his love for animals, to his lonely past filled with depression.

All of Namjoon is important.

Little Monsters ✧☆Namyoonseok☆✧Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora