19. Soulmates

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Midnight fall upon them.

7 boys make their way into Hoseok and Yoongi's dorm room.

"There is a lot I would love to know... if you guys care to answer" Taehyung ask, as the first one to break the silence.

"What do you want to know?" Jimin ask, scooting away from him to not make him uncomfortable.

"More about this..." He takes a Deep Breathe "more about hybrids"

His two brothers sit down by his side, the humans sitting close together.

"Come here Jimin... let Yoongi explain" Hoseok says calmly, pulling a shaking Jimin into his arms.

"Ask away you three, we really owe you answers" Yoongi nod to himself.

"You are all hybrids right?" Taehyung ask, more curious than scared.

Taehyung have always been the brother who didn't hate hybrids, yeah his parents made him a little scared of them, but he always wanted to meet one himself.

"Yes we are" Yoongi smile softly.

"I heard there is different kinds! What kind of hybrid are you guys?" Seokjin ask a little quiet, curiosity also starting to get to him.

"I am a Cat hybrid, Hoseok is a mix of a wolf and a Fox, Jimin is a Bear and Jungkook is a Bunny" Yoongi coo at the last one, squeezing the youngers cheek.

Seokjin turn lightly pink, stealing a few glances at Jungkook, little a soft "cute" escape his lips.

"Aren't it stressful to have to look like a human 24/7" Taehyung ask, scooting in closer to them.

"it can be super stressful, especially for a Janda... which we now only have one of... do you guys mind if we get comfortable? Hoseok and I normally do that when we get home"

All the brothers shake their heads, not actually caring, being a little curious by now.

Jungkook is the first to let out a deep sigh, before his bunny ears grow back in, laying against his head.

Hoseok wiggle his tail once, letting it swirl around Yoongis to comfort him.

"Okay that's so cool" Taehyung exclaim, getting back on his feet, Carefully caressing Jimin's bear ears.

"They are so soft!" He giggle, making Jimin smile proudly.

"Can I ask how old you guys are?" Namjoon finally speak up.

"I am 175, Hoseok is 125, Jimin is 110 and Jungkook is 100"

"That's insane" Taehyung giggle in awe "Kinda creepy I am crushing on a 110 year old boy" Taehyung add, making Jimin turn bright pink.

"Sorry our brother is a little straight forward" Seokjin apologize on his brothers behalf.

"Don't even mind, Jimin seems to like it, they are soulmates after all" Hoseok giggle.

"Ooooh I am your soulmate?" Taehyung smile proudly, playing with the olders ears.

"Oh yeah... erm if you don't mind" Jimin blush even more.

"I like being your soulmate! Does that mean I can stay with you forever?"

"I hope so" Jimin reply.

"Do you all have soulmates?... what about you Jungkook?" Seokjin ask a little sad, not wanting to show his disappointment.

"I... haven't found my soulmate yet" Jungkook Whisper a little sadly.

"How do you know you found your soulmate?" Namjoon swallow a lump at his own question.

"There is this strong feeling inside your gut... but it confuse me..." Hoseok admit.

"Why does it confuse you?" Namjoon tilt his head.

"Cause I... zinged with two people.. it should be impossible"

"Don't worry" Yoongi sigh.

"I did too"

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