Chapter 11

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Ko's Third Person P.O.V.

The albino watched as Hajime walked away. His eyes never left the brunet until he started talking to the overly excited girl.

Then, he turned away and went to the food court where Hajime had instructed him to go.

Ko pulled an empty chair out from an empty table, its metal legs scraping across the tiled floor of the court, emitting a large noise. He gazed sleepily at the brunet and his friend, Hajime's emotions washing over him.

Happiness, as well as a tinge of calmness, laced his emotions as he laughed with the girl in front of him.

That was weird. Why did Hajime's feelings seem so carefree? When the brown-haired boy was around Ko, he always felt a bit of hesitancy, as if he were still doubting whether or not to trust the psycho.

He played with his chain as he continued to ponder about the question.

Suddenly, a cold feeling soaked his hair, sinking into his scalp. Droplets of water started dripping down Ko's white hair. Was it raining inside?

"Eeeeeek! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" a trembling girl's voice spoke up on the ground next to Ko.

His jade eyes looked down to see a choppy purple-haired girl with bandages on her face, arms, and legs. She was protecting her face with both her arms as if she was shielding herself from him. Her flustered face made Ko feel guilty about himself.

"Hey. It's ok. It's just water. No harm done." He offered his hand to the girl.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." She continued to apologize over and over again.

Ko helped the girl up from the ground.

"I already said it's fine." He grabbed a tissue from one of the dispensers on the table and used it to dry his hair.

He smiled at the girl.

"See? I'm fine now. You don't need to apologize anymore."

The girl was about to reply when a rude, childish voice broke the conversation.

"Hey, pigface? Where is my glass of water I ordered you to bring, huh?" She snapped.

"I'm so sorry! I dropped it on him!" She shielded herself yet again.

The crude girl had yellow pigtails and was wearing an orange kimono with a green sash. She had an annoyed face. That all cleared up when she saw Ko.

"Hey Mister~" She tried to flirt. "I apologize that my LOWLY servant here dumped water on your beautiful head. Right, Mikan?" She pushed the poor purple-haired girl.

"I'm sorry! Please forgive meeeeee!" She wailed desperately.

"Hey. It wasn't her fault anyway," he defended.

"Anyways, enough about this pig trash here. Can I get your number?" She winked.


A voice interrupted.

"Hey, what's going on here?"

Shoot. It was Hajime.

Hajime's eyes were hard, his arms crossed over his chest. His face was emotionless, but Ko could sense that he was horrified internally.

But what was he terrified of? Did Ko need to protect him from it?

The blonde girl's creepy smile widened even more. She pushed Mikan to the ground as she walked over to Hajime.

Ko's senses heightened.

The girl stared up at Hajime as if she were taking in his looks.

"No time no see... Hajime."

"Back to you too... Hiyoko."

She snickered. "Aw. Don't be so mean," she pouted innocently.

"After all, you were the one who got suspended." She looked to her nails.

Suspended? What did she mean?

"That's none of your business Hiyoko."

"Oh but it is! The one you attacked was my dear friend. It was heartbreaking to see him suffer from your punch!" She fake cried.

"He deserved it. He was bullying Mikan and Mikan doesn't deserve that kind of treatment."

Hajime's eyes were cold and hard. There was not an ember of warmth to be seen. He crossed his arms, looking like he was done with all this crap.

"But you do know that the talentless are basically worthless. So the talentless cannot touch the talented with their dirty hands. You, on the other hand, did the opposite." She smirked.

"Admit it already. You know that the world won't need to suffer anymore if you died. No one would care about your death because you're so worthless. You're just a BURDEN."

That was the trigger point. Hajime's hands clenched into fists. His bangs shadowed his eyes. His teeth were clenched.

Just about when he was going to raise his hand against Hiyoko, Ko stepped in and grabbed the brunet's hand.

"Enough is enough." He glared at Hiyoko.

"As for you, you should probably leave. Or else." He warned.

Hiyoko snorted.

"Or else what? Ooooh. I see. You're his boyfriend, aren't you? Heh. I pity you. You have to cope with such a disgrace to society. Take my advice and dump him. He doesn't deserve you anyway. Maybe you'll want to hang out with me?" She chuckled, obviously smug that she figured the problem out like a detective.

In a flash, Ko was by her side with a blade upon her fragile neck. Oh, how he wished he could just snap it. He would love to feel the texture of her bones breaking underneath his touch. He hadn't done this in a long time, the feeling overpowering his thoughts. He wanted to see blood.

He restrained himself. He couldn't kill in public, not with so many eyes watching him.
He made sure to shield the knife with his hair so no one could see it but him.
Ko felt her breath stop in fear.

"Next time I see you, I won't hesitate to kill." His voice was laced with the need for blood and the intention of murder.

Hiyoko knew he wasn't lying at all.

Ko gripped the blonde tighter.

"Oh and also, make sure not to tell anyone about this, or I'll slit your throat before you can even cry for help."

A tiny "shink" sound was heard as Ko sheathed the pocket knife.

He released Hiyoko's trembling figure and stepped towards Mikan, who still had her eyes shut.

He placed a gentle hand upon her head.


She looked up at him, tears in her eyes.

"Learn how to defend yourself. People like you shouldn't be pushed around so much. Learn to stand up for yourself." He smiled warmly at her.

Ko took Hajime's shoulder and walked him out of the mall. The brunet's eyes were cast down on the floor, and his posture showed more of defeat than confidence.
Thanks to that problem happening, Ko was also in a bad mood himself.

He had felt something in Hajime that he never wanted anyone or himself to feel ever again, especially in the person he was supposed to be protecting, both mentally and physically.

He had felt the feeling of Despair.

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