Chapter 14

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Hajime's Third Person P.O.V.

The brunet was harshly thrown into a small yet clean prison. The walls were slick black. A small mirror stood at the right wall as if taunting the boy. The man who had brought him in chained him to the wall, his wrists pinned to his sides while his feet were restrained by chains coming from the front of the prison.

Before the man could place those chains on Hajime's feet, he managed to land a kick on the man's face, drawing blood from the lip. He growled at his captor's henchman. However, it seemed that the man in the suit did not care. 

He did not act out upon Hajime, or shout a string of terrible curse words at him. What a horrible reaction.

He was too busy glaring at the man that he didn't notice the raven-haired girl from before advance towards him, towering over him.

Her shadow copied her every move upon the ground as if it could pop out of the floor anytime and stab Hajime.

She lifted his chin towards her, looking directly into his olive ones, just like she had done before.

"Hmm. What beautiful eyes you have," She mumbled. "Let's see how they react to my punishments. After all, He did say that I could have fun with you," she laughed, obviously overjoyed with herself.

The brunet clicked his tongue in annoyance, trying to mask the fear that was lurking within him.
She stood up and walked over to a nearby computer that was sitting next to the cell.

"Now... let's see what your weakness is...." The raven-haired girl slowly stalked back towards Hajime, holding a syringe.

She stuck it into the struggling brunet's neck, despite his efforts to kick her or harm her in some way. The resistance against the chains was starting to take a toll on his energy.

The drug that had been injected into the brunet took effect almost immediately. It sent a tidal wave of agonizing pain into his body, shaking him to the core.

He screamed out in pain before sinking into the darkness.


Hajime could only see black.

Someone suddenly shook his shoulder.

"-jime. Hajime?"

His eyes shot wide open. He was back at his school. The school's emblem stood proudly at the front of the classroom, weaved onto a flag the color of jade.

Jade? Why did that remind him of something...?

"Hajime? Are you okay?" The person shaking his shoulder asked.

"Huh? Yeah." Definitely not.

"Oh, you fell asleep in class, so I decided to wake you up."

"I'm sorry but, what's your name?"

"Ah, I don't talk to you very often, but my name is Takeshi. I don't really have a last name." He laughed.

"Thanks, Takeshi."

"No prob." He walked away. "Well, see you later!" Takeshi waved, still wearing a smile on his face.

He must have dozed off in class.

Does that mean that everything before was a dream?

What was his dream about again?

Eh, better not think about it. He had stuff to do anyway.

"Hajimeeeee!!!" A tanned figure appeared in his view.

"Oh hey Akane." He waved to the girl.

"Don't you hey me. Did you make me food?" Her eyes sparkled in delight.

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