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"Bella is missing!-" Sarah runs into Millie's room. Millie wipes away her tears, sniffling into her sleeve. Sarah freezes, looking down at her crying daughter. "- oh honey." Sarah sits down next to Millie. "What happened?"

Millie wipes her face and blinks rapidly. "The Cullens left." Is all she can say before she feels her throat constrict and she chokes back sobs.

Sarah hugs her and Millie crawls into her lap. Sarah wraps her arms around her daughter and holds her tight. They sit like that for what feels like hours, Millies head against Sarah's shoulder and Sarah gently soothing her, whispering words of encouragement.

The door opens, "they found Bella-" Anne stops when she sees Millie and Sarah. Anne's hand rests on the door knob, not knowing what to do. Suddenly Millie looks up at her, her tear streaked face and puffy eyes make Anne tear up. She gets down on the ground and joins the hug.

Even with Anne and Sarah hugging her she still feels alone. There's a hole in her heart and Millie knows that it's a 6'3" hole with curly hair and a Texan accent.


Millie visits Bella after being begged by Charlie. It's been weeks since the Cullens left and apparently Bella hasn't moved.

"Hey Bells." Millie enters the brunettes room and sighs. Mugs line the window where Bella sits, unblinking staring out the window. Millie takes a seat next to her and puts her arm around her. "They'll come back. I know they will." Bella doesn't respond, she just curls up tighter.

"He doesn't need me." She mumbles after awhile.

Millie shakes her head. "That boy needs you just as much as you need him."

Bella looks at Millie, finally. "Jasper needs you too. You know?" Millie smiles small.

"I sure hope so."


It's been two months since the Cullens left and Millie sits next to a still barely functioning Bella. She'd been visiting Bella everyday at Charlie's request and her own parents suggestion.

Millie feels the anger rising up inside. It's been building for weeks. She's angry that Jasper left. She's angry at what Edward did to Bella but mostly she's angry at herself for getting too attached. She shoots up making Bella stare at her.

"I can't do this anymore." Millie paces across the room. "Waiting for boys that aren't coming back for us. They left and we need to deal with that in a healthy way. Not moping by the window hoping something will change."

Bella looks at at Millie for a minute before she just turns back towards the window. Millie sighs at her and leaves.

Millie walks home the long way, mumbling to herself as she goes. Before she realises it she's at the Cullens house. She curses herself out for automatically going there. She looks up at the beautiful house and knows what she needs to do. She finds the spare key hidden in a small slot near the door. Millie takes a deep breath and walks inside.

Emotions hit her all at once. All their furniture is still there. Millie stands in the middle of the living room and tries to scream but nothing comes out. She sighs. "I can't live like this forever." She tells the empty house. "This isn't healthy and I have to move on. I will always love Jasper and I might never find that love again but I want him to be happy." She turns and leaves without another word.

As she walks down the road she feels some of the weight off her chest.

'Okay step one done.' She thinks to herself. 'Step two; branch out. Meet new people. The opposite of the Cullens.'

Millie opens her front door and sees Jacob Black and Billy Black sitting down for coffee, soda for Jacob. "Millie you're home." Anne smiles, setting down some a drink for Sarah. "Billy and Jacob wanted to invite us to a BBQ and bonfire night down on the res."

Jacob smiles at her, "you'll get to meet everyone then."

Millie smiles. 'Found my step two.'


Hello! Hope you're enjoying so far

Ooo Millie is giving up on the Cullens and going to be making friends with the people on res?!?
I really needed to highlight that what Bella is doing is unhealthy and not acceptable at least for me personally. I wouldn't condone what she is doing.

Now I hate that these chapters are so short but I'm trying to beef em' up as much as possible.

I'm also thinking about doing a small chapter in Jasper POV, just what he's up to and doing without Millie. Give me your opinions on that.

Hope all you lovelies have an amazing day/night xxx

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