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Millie stares at herself in the mirror. Black dress, hat and Jasper's necklace. Harry's funeral. Millie had never been to a funeral before. She'd been dreading it.

"We'd better go." Anne stood in the door way, giving a weak smile at Millie. Harry's death had impacted everyone.

Millie took a deep breath and followed Anne and Sarah to the car. "This is going to be hard for all of us," Sarah reminded us in the car "Millie, I want you to be with Leah and Seth. They need someone they can rely on." Millie nodded, staring out the window.

They arrived as everyone else did. Saying words of condolences and offering their support. Millie scanned the crowd, looking for Leah and Seth. She could see Seth, staring at the closed coffin with Sue next to him. Then in the distance Millie could see Leah, standing off to the side. Far away from everyone. Millie sighed, it wasn't Leah's fault. Harry has been having heart problems for years. It was nobodies fault at all.

Millie made her way over to Seth and Sue first. She gave Sue a tight hug. "I'm sorry." Sue had always been nice to Millie even if she was friends with the Cullens. She nodded, her eyes full of tears.

"It means a lot that you came."

Millie looked at Seth. "Hug?" She prompted. Seth hesitated, "its for me not you. I need a hug." She knew that he would do it if she said it was for her.

He gave her a teary look and his arms wrapped around her shoulders, his head resting on her chest. "Thank you." He whispered. Millie ruffles his hair and went to go talk to Leah. Her phone went off in her pocket but she ignored it. Not even bothering to decline the call.

"Hey," Millie doesn't even know where to start.

Leah looks up at her, upset and irritable. "Sam's pack got to me." She clenches her teeth. "Sam and his little pack of werewolves made me one of them." She pulls up her sleeve and shows a tattoo. Millie gasps. "I thought I could go it alone but I do need them. As much as it hurts to admit, they know more about all this." Leah sighs.

"I think you made a rational choice, Leah." Millie nods. Leah looks torn but nods too.


After the funeral Millie sits at Bella's kitchen table. She can hear Bella and Jacob arguing outside. Millie hates it. Alice puts a hot chocolate in front of her and takes a seat next to her.

Bella storms in, Jacob hot on her tail. "Better go report to Sam." Bella mocks.

Jacob features soften, "I keep breaking my promise not to hurt you."

"It doesn't have to be this way." Bella mumbles.

He stands up straight, "it does." Bella goes to say something but the shrill sound of the phone interrupts. Jacob being closer answers it. "Swan residence." His voice goes cold. "He's not here... he's at a funeral." Millie hears the phone line go dead. "Filthy leech." He mutters.

"Wait, who was it?" Millie asks.

"Dr Carlisle Cullen." He spits out.

"You should have let me talk to him." Bella says, obviously angry at Jacob.

"He didn't ask for you—."

Alice stands up from where she was sitting and her eyes go wide. "Alice? What's wrong?" Millie asks.

"Jas, Edward." She gasps.

"What about Edward?" Bella asks, frantic.

"I just saw them in a vision. They both think that both of you are dead."

"What?!" Millie stands up, feeling the panic rise.

"They're going to Italy... to the Volturi."


Millie throws things into a suitcase. Rushing around her room. Leah stands in the corner, arms crossed. "Why do you have to go?"

"Jasper won't trust Alice, he'll think she's just lying. That's why Bella has to go too."

"He's the one who left you, Millie." Leah reminds, almost spitting out the words.

"I still love him and I'm not going to let him die out of guilt." Millie snaps.

"Well what if I said that I-" Leah stops mid sentence. Going red. "Whatever!" She folds her arms over her chest. "I just think someone else could like you better."

Millie looks at Leah and sighs, "but he'll always be the one for me." Millie looks out her window and sees Alice pull up. "Alice is here and I have to go." Leah doesn't say anything as Millie leaves. "Bye, Leah." Millie hugs her tight, knowing it could be the last time she sees her.

Millie gets into the car, she wipes the tears that she didn't know she was shedding. Alice turns to both Bella and Millie with a concerned look. "This could be dangerous. Are you two sure you want to do this?"

"Of course." Bella and Millie answer unison.

Alice nods and speeds off to the airport.

Millie grits her teeth. She needs Jasper to be okay.


Sorry it's a bit short!
Hope you lovelies enjoyed xxx

Hope you're having a great day/ night

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