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Millie phones Bella again. This is the third time that morning. Millie just wants to make sure she's okay and eating enough. After the final ring she picks up, "hey." She sounds tired. No emotion prevalent in her voice.

"It's Millie, just checking in with you." Bella doesn't respond. "Just seeing how you're going."

Bella pauses for a minute, "I've been hanging out with Jacob."

Millie smiles wide. "That's great, Bells! I'm glad you're friends with him." Bella doesn't respond. "Bella? Are you okay?"

Bella chokes back a sob. "Too many- there's too many memories." She cries. "I can't talk to you, Millie. It's too much of him."

The phone line goes dead. Millie looks at her phone in shock. "What?" Her eyes tear up but she shakes her head. She doesn't want to cry today. She takes a couple of deep breaths and continues on. If Bella needed space she would give her space. 'I'm just glad she's got Jacob.' Millie thinks, walking out to her car. Leah and Seth wanted to hang out with her anyway. A trip to the res was in order.


Millie drives up to the Clearwater residence and laughs when she sees Seth waiting in the window. He scrambled to the door when he sees Millies car pull up.

"Hey Seth!" Millie calls as she gets out of the car. Seth grins at her from the door.

"Millie's here!" Seth calls into the house.

Millie walks into the Clearwater home and smiles. "Hey, Harry." Harry was an older man, he liked Millie well enough. If he could ignore her bad decisions with the Cullens. Which is what he was doing; ignoring those decisions.

"Mornin' Millie." Harry seemed to be a gruff man but Millie liked him well enough. Leah walks out of her room and ignores Harry. Millie shakes her head, Leah is still not on good terms with her dad.

"Hey Millie, want some juice?" Leah asks, pouring herself some. Millie shakes her head.

"Nah I'm good, Leah."

"I would!" Seth says, bounding into the kitchen. Leah ignores him and puts the juice away.

Millie laughs at Seth's betrayed expression. "You can get your own, kiddo." Millie ruffles Seth's hair and he huffs.

"I'm not a kid, Millie." He rolls his eyes, "I'm a grown man."

Millie stifles some laughter but nods at him. "Sorry Seth, you're right." Millie looks at Leah and she looks mortified at her brother. "You are a grown man." Seth looks happy with that.

"Come on." Leah grabs Millie's wrist and walks out the door. "Bye!" She shouts as we leave.

"Bye Mill-" Seth starts, But is cut off when Leah slams the door in his face.

They get in the car, "little harsh there, Leah." Millie reminds. Leah blushes a bit and shrugs. Millie smiles and pats her leg as she drives, "where do we want to go?"

Leah smiles, "we'll just walk down at La Push. Shouldn't be too cold."

Millie agrees, as they drive they make small conversation. Millie loves these times because she doesn't think about Jasper at all. Well, that's a lie. He's always at the back of her mind. She rolls her eyes and focuses on what Leah is saying.

They arrive at the beach and walk along the water. "Hey Leah—" Millie starts. "What happened?" Leah raises her eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... why do you hate Uley? And his fiancé?"

Leah clenches her teeth and looks straight ahead. She's quiet for a minute. "Why don't you tell me what happened to the pale boy then?" She cuts through the silence. "Why isn't he here if he actually loved you?"

Millie feels tears well up at the mean words. "Jasper left. That's all there is to it. He decided to leave and I let him." Millie takes a deep breath. "Thanks for the reminder." Millie walks off. Hot tears spill down her cheeks.

"Shit." Millie hears Leah swear. "Millie! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." Leah sounds upset too. She runs up to Millie and hugs her, "I'm sorry..."

Millie pats Leah's head, "it'll be okay."

"It's just hard." Leah takes some breaths. "I don't like to talk about it often."

"You don't have to, Leah." Millie pats her shoulder, "I understand."

Leah shakes her head, "no I want to tell you." Leah takes a seat on the sand. Millie joins her, putting her arm around her shoulders.

"Take your time." Millie soothes.

"I dated Sam in high school." She starts, "then when I was in my junior year Sam disappeared for two weeks and we He came back he was... different." She glares at nothing as she talks. "Then my cousin, Emily came to visit me. We were as close as sisters. Until Sam decided he loved her and not me." Millie gasped and urged her to continue. "Emily refused him at first. She kept telling him that he should be with me still." She took a breath, "then Emily got mauled by a bear, giving her permanent facial damage. Sam didn't give up on her and they eventually fell in love. Leaving me behind."

Leah went quiet and Millie found herself speechless.

The girls sat there until the sun started to go down.


This chap was a bit of a filler and showing Leah and Millie's evolving friendship.

Sorry for slow updates! I'm about to be in uni and I've had non stop paperwork and stuff to fill out. Lmao

Hope you enjoyed even if it was short!

Thanks lovelies xxx

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