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Millie slips on a sweater over her shirt. She nods at herself in the mirror, pulling her hair up into a bun.

"Come on, Mills!" Anne yells from down stairs. "We've got to leave or we'll be late."

Millie runs downstairs, skipping steps as she goes. "Let's go then." She laughs, getting into the car before either woman.

They look at each other and shake their heads while laughing. Then they leave to go to the res.

By the time they get there Millie can smell the bbq up and running and there's plenty of people sitting at tables and talking. Millie scans the crowd and finds Billy and Jacob. Her and her parents walk over waving to them.

"We made it." Anne smiles, placing down a bowl of salad. "We brought a salad and some desserts."

Sarah places down a tray slices. "You're a sweets man aren't you, Billy?" Sarah teases. Billy laughs.

"Hey Jacob." Millie smiles at the younger boy. Jacob grins at her. "Bella couldn't make it— she's still a little uncertain right now." Millie explains.

Jacobs smile drops for a moment before he gains it again. "Just glad you could make it Millie, I want you to meet some cool res kids." Jacob leads her away towards where it seems the teenagers are hanging out. "Hey! Seth!" A boy, no older than 14 sees Jacob and his eyes shine like stars.

He jogs over and grins up at Jacob. Admiration in his eyes. "Hey Jake."

"Seth, this is Millie." Millie waves at the boy who suddenly goes shy. "She's probably the only cool person who doesn't live on the res." Jacob says it like it's a secret.

Millie swats his arm and laughs. "Nice to meet you Seth, Jacob told me he was introducing me to the cool kids on res." Seth looks as if he's been given a prize.

He slicks back his hair, "well I am pretty cool." Millie laughs. A girl comes up behind him and ruffles his hair.

"Seth, stop drooling over the first white girl you meet." She stands tall, tan skin and long brown hair with braids in it. Millie feels intimidated.

"Ah, Leah, I was just about to find you." Jacob smiles. "Millie, this is Leah. She's Seth's older sister and a year younger than you."

Leah nods at Millie and Millie doesn't know what to say to her. "Lovely to meet you."

Leah looks her up and down and grunts at her before walking off. Seth rolls his eyes at her, "she's actually really nice once you get past the meanness."

Millie believed him. She watched the girl walk off, and sit alone. Everyone seemed to avoid her. Millie decided that she'd become friends with her. "Let's see how this goes boys." Millie says, the boys give her confused looks as she walks off.

Millie approaches her table with caution. She looks up, annoyed. "You don't have to sit here out of pity. I'm not good at conversation." She snaps.

Millie smiles softly and sits across from her, "that's okay." Millie leans her head on the table. "I don't feel like talking anyway."

Leah looks at Millie quizzically but rolls her eyes at the girl.

They sit in silence for an hour. Both content with the silence. Suddenly Leah gets up and leaves. Millie sighs sadly, she thought it was going well.

A plate of food is dropped in front of her a couple of minutes later. "Didn't know what you liked." Leah explains. "So I just got you one of everything."

Millie is speechless. "Uh- I. Well thanks, Leah."

Leah blushes at the thank you and chews her food harshly.

Millie chews her food as she watches the bonfire in the distance. "Did you want to sit by the fire?" Leah asks, not looking at Millie.

Millie stands up and smiles, "of course!" They both walk to the fire and take a seat away from everyone. They sit in silence again. Millie sways to the quiet drums that play. Leah taps her shoulder. "I don't know how being friends work." She admits. "You'll have to deal with me. Not many people do."

"Is this you asking to be my friend?" Millie asks, grin forming. Before Leah can answer Millie talks over, "because I accept!"

Leah looks dumbfounded. "Okay?" She nods and looks back at the fire. Millie keeps the conversation going a little longer before she has to leave.


Millie lays in bed. Tired but not sleeping. She tosses and turns. It's been like this since Jasper left. She's barely slept. She feels wetness at her eyes and realises she's crying. As usual.

It's been like this every night.


Millie wakes up to her phone ringing. "Hello?" She asks groggily. No one responds. "Who's this?" Millie sits up in bed, more confused. She gasps, "Jasper?" The phone goes dead.

Five minutes go by and her phone rings again. She answers it straight away. "Millie? It's Bella."

Millie can't help but feel disappointment. "What's up, Bells?"

Bella breathes shakily, "did you want to go with me to Port Angeles?"

"Charlie making you?" Millie deadpans.

Bella sighs over the phone. "He's right. I do need to leave the house at least. So what do you say? Shopping, movie and dinner?"

Millie smiles, "sure, Bella. I'll get ready and I'll pick you up in 10?"

"Sure." They both hang up and Millie gets ready for the day.


Hours later they're leaving the cinema. "Why are zombie movies so popular right now?" Bella asks as they walk to the restaurant.

"Kids will always want gore and lame story lines." Millie shrugs.

They walk across the road, avoiding an alleyway. "How 'bout a ride girls?" A man shouts from across the road. They're are about ten of them, sitting on their motorbikes. Millie feels cold. She doesn't like the look of them. Bella freezes in place.

"Come on, Bells." Millie tries to walk forward but Bella stays transfixed.

"I think I know them..." She trails off walking towards them.

"Bella! What?!" Millie shouts after her.

"Alright guys, we got a taker." One of the guys says. Bella walks over to him and hops on the back of his motorbike.

Millie watches with fear. Gripping onto her necklace tight. Somehow hoping Jasper could save her.

Soon enough Bella is running back, her eyes wide with Adrenalin. "I saw him!" She grabs Millie's shoulders. "He told me to stop. He was trying to protect me." She begins mumbling to herself, "the more dangerous. The stronger the image is." She figures out.

Millie grabs Bella by the shoulders and forces her to look into her eyes. "Bella, that was not Edward. Do not put yourself in dangerous situations like that." Bella doesn't say anything.

"Can we just go home?" Bella asks. Millie nods and they drive home in relative silence, only the radio playing music.


Once at home Millie can't sleep. As usual. She hits her bed and thrashes around annoyed. Her eyes tear up and she grips onto Jaspers necklace. 'This isn't going to stop.'


Longest chap I've had in agesssss

Hope Millie and Leah's friendship is alright, I feel like Leah doesn't get enough love.

Hope y'all are enjoying!

Thanks lovelies xxx

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